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And sometimes you needed to be able to recognize a bluff. Baelfire had wanted Rumple to come here due to the lack of magic. This meant as long as there was no magic, the Dark One Curse - including the dagger - had no affect on Rumple.

As we approached the stairs, I swiftly grabbed the dagger out of Regina's hand and shoved her down. She was taken off guard because she thought she had tricked me and realized a second too late that I was pretending. I saw the anger flash across her face before she tumbled down the stairs and let out a breath of relief as I saw her body crumple at the bottom.

When I confirmed Regina wasn't going to get up, I looked down and saw the heart she had been holding at the top of the stairs. I went to grab it but, when my fingers were only inches above it, I felt my water break. The life seemed to drain from me as I realized that if I gave birth now, my children would not survive.

As I was standing in blood and water, Emma burst through the door. Her eyes went wide when she saw me and she took a step back as she saw Regina. She swiftly closed her eyes and shook her head, then looked to me again.

"What the hell happened?" She began to walk towards Regina, and propped her against the wall. Regina remained limp and Emma put her head against Regina's chest. "She seems alive, but barely."

I watched as Emma took off her jacket and shirt, then tore the bottom of her shirt to act as gauze around Regina's head - she had gashed her forehead on the way down. I tried to cover my annoyance that Regina was alive and continued to stand at the top of the stairs - both in shock and hoping Rumple would arrive soon.

"Did you call an ambulance?" Emma sounded angry but I couldn't imagine why. When I shook my head, she pulled out her phone and dialed them while walking up the stairs. When she reached the top, Emma accidentally kicked Whale's heart and we heard a loud shout come from the bathroom.

She looked confused at the heart for a second, I imagined it probably looked like an odd glowing rock to her, then went to the bathroom. I heard her gag as she walked in, probably disgusted by the blood that painted the floor and the deep gash on Whale.

While she examined Whale, I picked up his heart and put it in the dresser drawer. I held my stomach and tried to take deep breaths, hoping that something could be done for my children. Just then, I heard tires screeching to a halt outside. As I approached the stairs, Rumple ran in.

My eyes began to fill with tears. Rumple paid no mind to Regina and went over her as he ran up the stairs to me. He quickly enfolded me into his arms. Yet, I let out a small yelp as he touched my injured arm and he stepped back to examine me. His face was distraught at the bloody mess then he noticed the water and locked eyes with me in panic.

A simple nod was all he needed to confirm his fears. He swiftly scooped me into his arms and took me downstairs. To my surprise, instead of going to the hospital, Rumple took me into the downstairs bathroom. He helped me take off my robe and then set me into the empty tub. As the water began to pour in, I realized his plan.

"Do you have all the ingredients?" I asked both in hope and horror. He nodded to me, handed me a washcloth, and kissed my head.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way. I should have stayed with you! I wish you could have had a normal pregnancy, but if we don't speed it up now..." I silenced him with a kiss and nodded. I knew this was the only way and began to mentally prepare myself to give birth.

"Rumple, please hurry." With that he ran out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I began to hear sirens approach the house and knew it was the ambulance for Regina and Whale.

I wiped the blood from my body and allowed the soiled water to drain as I listened to Emma talk with the first responders. I was holding my legs closed tightly together hoping it would help my babies stay inside. I listened as Emma told them that she believed I was defending myself and matters got out of hand. She also said that she believed I had already gone to the hospital - I was grateful that no one would be looking for me.

It only took between fifteen and twenty minutes for everyone to clear from the house and for Rumple to complete the potion. In that time, I had washed my body and begun to fill the tub with room temperature water. I wouldn't make it to the hospital in time, and planned to give birth in the bath.

As Rumple entered the bathroom, he took my good hand into his and held the potion in the other hand. He placed a tender kiss on my cheek. I could sense he was hesitating, hoping there would be a better way.

"It's okay. I'm ready." I tried to comfort him and reassure myself at the same time. With a nod of his head, he put the potion to my lips and I drank.

In under a minute, my small baby bump grew large enough to nearly fill the tub and excruciating pain rippled through my body. Rumple held onto my hand as I gripped it tightly. He placed kisses on my head and reassuring words in my ears. I tried to focus on him and pushing, but the pain overcame me. Everything went black.

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