The Call

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"[y/n]! [y/n]!" Mary Margaret was screaming over the receiver. She was breathing deeply, rigidly, and rapidly over the phone. It almost sounded like she was being chased down or hunted for her life. The terror sent a strong chill run down my spine and I handed Rosilina to Rumple as to not worry her. I would hate for my baby to sense my fear.

"Henry - he didn't make it!" I heard as say this as she fell to the floor. I felt hot tears pour down my face. They seemed to burn through my skin and to my heart. Though I didn't know Henry very well, I did know him through Mary Margaret and Emma. I knew it was too soon for such a precious life to be taken.

Then a second wave of terror hit me - without Henry, Emma would have no true reason to stay in Storybrooke and no one to truly love. The curse would remain unbroken for eternity, as she would leave town and return to her former life. We would have to live as our cursed counterparts forever, and our children wouldn't have the future we'd dreamed for them.

There would be no horse rides through the fields of Corona. There'd be no possibility for them to accept their place as the heirs of my kingdom or to learn magic from their father. We wouldn't celebrate their birthdays with elaborate balls or be able to show them the wonders of the Enchanted Forest.

My worlds deteriorated in front of me as I realized we'd be trapped in this claustrophobic town for eternity. I closed my eyes and fought back the thought. Perhaps if Emma cane and gave true love's kiss to Henry now, the curse would be broken.

"Mary Margaret - "

I began to plead with her, hoping that she would listen and understand my words. Yet. I was cut off by the sound of Emma running into the hospital, with Regina just behind her. I cursed under my breath, realizing Emma couldn't help but let Regina out to see Henry. Chaos began as they both tried to get to Henry. It seemed Regina was restrained by the doctors, but Emma broke through.

"Mary Margaret!" I yelled too loud and startled the babies. Rumple shut me a look filled with half curiosity but half annoyance. I have a quick apology then excused myself to our magic laboratory in the basement. I spoke up once more, since Mary didn't respond.

"[y/n]?" She finally spoke but her voice sounded muffled. Perhaps she had dropped the phone or was mentally detaching from reality. If it was the latter, I needed to pull her back quickly.

"Mary Margaret! Please, tell me what's going on?" My heart skipped a bit then thudded out of control as I waited for her answer.

"They're covering Henry with a white sheet." Her voice was contorted and broken, as I imagined her heart was also. "Emma didn't make it back in time to see him."

"Tell Emma that if she loves him, she must give him true love's kiss!" I cringed knowing that I would have to explain how I knew this if the curse broke.

As I spoke, I quickly grabbed the concentrated magic Rumple and I had made then ran out of the back door, grabbing my purse with Rumple's spare keys to the Cadillac on the way out. I had no time to debate with him about what had to be done, and only took a quick glance behind me to see him standing with our children in the front window. He looked to me as if I were abandoning him, but I quickly mouthed to him to trust me. With a hesitant nod of his head, I drove off.

"Mary Margaret, I'm going to see if there's anything I can do. Please, stay on the line with me - tell me what's going on." My pleads pierced Mary's ears and she began to speak.

"Emma is screaming at Regina, saying she killed Henry." Mary paused, presumably taking in the scene. "Regina keeps saying the apples were meant for Emma, not Henry. [y/n], I really do think Regina had a hand in Henry's death."

I nodded silently as I listened to Mary's voice deplete of emotion, she seemed to become a robot out of shock. In order for what I was about to say to work, I would need her to wake up. I skimmed through the possibilities as I screeched Rumple's car to a halt at the base of the hill where the town's well was at.

Since the well was connected to all of the town's water supply, it was the perfect catalyst for the magic to fill all of Storybrooke. Panting, I sprinted up the mountain with a determination to save Henry's life - whether by magic or by Emma's kiss. As I ran I told Mary Margaret to put me on the line with Emma.

"H-h-ello?" Emma's voice cracked as she pretended to be okay, a habit she must of developed from childhood. I was grateful that she took the call.

"Emma," I tried to make my voice as soothing as possible as I ran up the hill, "I can't stress this enough - you need to kiss Henry if you want him to live."

"This isn't a fairytale!" She screamed back at me. "My kiss can't do anything!"

"Have you tried yet?" I pleaded with her but could tell I was getting no where. Emma handed me back to Mary Margaret, who didn't say a word.

Just then I reached the fountain, and told Mary Margaret that as proof we were living in a fairytale I was bringing magic. I told her once she saw a purple cloud with rays of gold intertwined, that this would be the proof that Emma's kiss would work. As Mary told me I was on speaker, and Emma confirmed she had heard everything, I brought back magic.

I could see it unfurl over all the buildings and into the smallest corner. It was breathtaking and I could feel my own powers come back. After a long silence over the phone, I spoke up.

"Mary Margaret, what's going on?" Her breathing had steadied and she didn't reply right away. I assumed she was in shock until she spoke her next words.

"You can call me Snow White." Her tone was firm. "[y/n], or whoever you are, I'll have to call you back."

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