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"Rumpelstiltskin," I gasped, running out of breath as I sprinted through the forest. I'd ran for hours and couldn't feel my legs any longer. Finally, his castle had come into view. I quickened my pace, determined to arrive before sunrise. As I approached the doors, they opened for me. I walked inside, determined to get what I needed. "Rumpelstiltskin?"

Suddenly, a purple cloud of smoke appeared in front of me. I stared at it in wonderment, but, once it cleared, a monster appeared - I began to run, but it grabbed me.

"Did you run all the way here just to turn around?" The beast let out a high-pitched laugh and released me from his grip. I winced slightly at the pain from his grasp then turned around. I looked at the creature from head to toe. He was a man. Albeit, he had coarse skin and large gray eyes; yet, other than that he seemed rather ordinary.

"I don't run from what I want." I squared my shoulders and met his gaze. He seemed amused by me.

"Yet you ran away from home, from your kingdom, from your family." He approached me and I refused to back down. When his nose was nearly touching mine, he added "why, princess?"

"I didn't expect you to know about me before I arrived." I suppose it wasn't very shocking. My parents were the King and Queen of Corona. He let out a another shrill giggle and, stepped back.

"I know much of your tale, Rapunzel." He placed his hands behind his back and smirked, "but I would like to hear it from you."

"They're all afraid of me in my land. If you know of me then you know what my parents did to me." I attempted to not allow any pain or sadness show on my face - I knew he wouldn't teach someone he viewed as weak. "Yet, most don't know it's because I have magic. Instead of being imprisoned in a tower, I believe I need a teacher."

He circled around me and put his finger tips together. I held my stance. I would learn how to be brave in order to take my kingdom from the demons I had called mum and papa.

"You know I only teach dark magic," he pressed his lips together slightly. I supposed he already knew why I needed to learn this magic.

"That's the magic I need for my purposes." I stepped towards him. "Are we going to be able to make a deal?"

"Well, I am looking for a replacement maid," he squinted at me then jumped a little. "Yes - you will do fine. Be my maid and in exchange I'll teach you to wield your magic. Do we have a deal, dearie?"

"Yes -

All of a sudden everything was shaking. Someone was calling my name. I opened my eyes to see Mary on top of me.

"Wake up! We're going to be late! It's 7:45!" She was basically screaming at me, but, once I realized what she was saying, I screamed too.

"What? School starts in fifteen minutes!" I threw on pants and a blouse. Why hadn't my alarm woken me? I was brushing my teeth when there was a knock at the door.

"[y/n], get the door! It's Mr. Gold with the school supplies! He called you this morning - I woke up from your phone ringing and answered." She ran to the railing, "could you please ask him for a ride to the school?"

I quickly spit the toothpaste out of my mouth and fixed my hair in a messy bun. "Mary! I just had my first date with him yesterday. I can't ask that!"

"You have to!" I knew she was right - if we were late, we could easily be fired.

I opened the door and, indeed, it was Mr. Gold. "Good morning! Thank you so much for bringing the supplies."

"Not a problem, dearie." He smiled and continued, "Given the time, I don't suppose I could give you a ride."

"Yes! Please!" Mary said as she began running down the stairs.

"I'd love you forever if you did," I replied only half-joking. I gave him a flirty wink and hugged him.

"Deal." He chuckled. "The supplies are still in the back of the car. You can grab them when we arrive to the school."

"Thank you!" I kissed his cheek then started out the door with Mary right behind me. She thanked him as well and we dashed out to his Cadillac.

Mr. Gold had us flying down the road. I suppose being punctual was more important than worrying about traffic laws. I was sitting in the passenger seat and Mary was behind me. I glanced back at her and she looked terrified, but didn't say a word.

As we pulled into the school, the bell rang. Mary flew out of the car immediately after thanking Mr. Gold. He got out and removed the supplies from the trunk, giving them to me.

"Thank you again for everything." I was about to give him a parting kiss when someone interrupted us.

"Now what kind of teacher arrives late to school?" I looked to see Regina with her arms crossed and eyes narrowed. I would have loved to punch that glare off her face.

"I suppose the teacher that worked five hours extra the night before and who does so regularly." Mr. Gold approached Regina, and I could sense the tension building. "We really must discuss how the professionals at our educational facilities are treated."

"I'll walk Henry in since you're too focused on what isn't your business, Regina." I hissed the words at her and went toward Henry to walk with him. Yet, she had the nerve to step in my way and slap me across my face.

"Henry, run along." He looked at me as if he was to say sorry, but, when I motioned for him to go, he ran inside. This seemed to only increase the mayor's rage. "The school is my business. I'm the mayor, and I'll have your job if you continue to fail at it." She spoke through gritted teeth.

"With all due respect, which is none at all, you wouldn't be able to handle her job." Mr. Gold continued to glare at her. "Now why don't you leave? Please."

I was shocked to see that she turned around and left. As she drove off, she yelled that it wasn't over. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her.

"Thanks for everything - again - Mr. Gold." I gave him quick hug and kiss. "I can't wait for our date tomorrow night."

"It was all my pleasure," Mr. Gold looked affectionately at me. I couldn't help but smile brightly then run inside - by now, I was very late.

I looked forward to seeing him again. What I didn't know was that he was waiting for me to remember again. He wished he could tell me that he woke up when he heard Henry's mother's name, and that I would wake up and remember soon. But he couldn't - so, he continued playing his role as a Pawnbroker and new love-interest - even though he was much, much more.

Golden Hope: Mr. Gold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now