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I was surprised at how frantic Mary was talking when I picked up the phone. It took a few seconds for me to make sure she was okay, and another few for her to calm down. All I knew so far was that something serious happened between Emma and Regina.

"Okay, Sn-Mary Margaret, are you calm now?" I had made my way back to the bed and laid onto my pillow. I wondered where Rumple had gone, but tried my best to pay attention.

"Yes! Yes! I'm fine!" She said hastily "I have to tell you what just happened - Emma went to Archie to see if she could learn more about Henry. Seeing as he is her son, I think that makes complete sense!" She was still sounding hurried, but that was understandable since she was on her lunch break.

"Anyway, Archie gives her the files because Regina told him to give them to her. Well, after Emma takes the files, Archie calls Regina and let's her know. Regina tells Archie that he has to make a fake call to the police saying Emma stole them or she would have his license taken away for breaking patient confidentiality."

She took a deep breath then continued. "So, Graham had to arrest Emma. I just bailed her out and am trying my best to make it back to the school in time."

Regina hating Emma was no surprise to me. She hates anyone that is in her way, and Emma is in the way of Regina being Henry's mother, to a point. After no longer than a second, Mary Margaret continued.

"Also - Emma has been trying to get in contact with you. I let her know that you're sick and most likely have been resting. Just, please give her a call when you get the chance."

Mary Margaret sounded as if she was out of breath. She must be moving fast since break is over at 11:45 am, which was only five minutes away. I tried not to be jealous that she's able to work and see the kids. Then I became curious about how Ruby was doing.

"I'll definitely call Emma after our chat. Thanks for letting me know all that has happened." I attempted to sound cheery and bright. "Also, Ruby agreed to substitute for awhile. How is she doing?"

"She loves the kids and the kids love her." I heard the school doors shut behind her and the Principal ask if she was okay. After they stopped chatting, the school bell rang. "Sorry to have to go so soon, but call me tonight! Oh! Also, I left the key under the doormat so that Mr. Gold could grab your things. Get better soon!"

After we said our goodbyes, I dialed Emma. My notifications said she had called twice, but didn't leave a voicemail. She picked up after three rings, but sounded agitated.

"Hey, what's up, [y/n]?" I could hear some cars going past her. She must be walking in town.

"Hi, Emma. I'm just returning your call from this morning." As I was talking, Rumple walked in with a large box. I showed him that I was on the phone and blew him a kiss. He pretended to grab the kiss and put it on his heart, I couldn't help but smile. As Emma started to talk, I kept watching Rumple.

"Yeah, about that - I went to the Graham earlier and reported your incident from last night. He said he'd look at the camera footage from the stores nearby so we can catch Whale."

Thinking about that night shook me to the core, and I was glad I'd had plenty of distractions so my mind wouldn't dwell on it. I could still feel where he had grabbed me and my panic from fearing I wouldn't get away. Rumple must have seen my dis-ease because he came to the bed and sat next to me. As I climbed into his lap, I looked at the box he put in the room. He had opened it and I could see my clothes inside. He must have decided to pack for me while I slept. I gave him a quick peck on his cheek before Emma brought me back to our conversation.

"[y/n]? Are you there?" She sounded slightly confused, I heard a door close behind her as she went into a building. Granny seemed to call for Emma, but Emma didn't realize.

"Yes, I'm here."  I wasn't sure if I was grateful to Emma for telling Graham; I wasn't even sure if Graham would do anything since he's friends with Whale. "Keep me posted on that, if you can."

"Sure thing." As Emma was talking I heard Granny call for her again. She said something about it being awkward but that she needed to talk to Emma. "I've got to go, but I'll give you a text or call soon."

With that we ended the conversation. I turned to Rumple and told him what Snow and Emma had told me. He nodded and listened to me. When it came time to talk about the police report against Whale, I found myself feeling unsure and vulnerable. Rumple stayed with me; yet, the more I talked about the attack the night before, the angrier Rumple became.

As I finished talking he stood up with murder in his eyes. If I didn't trust him so much or hadn't expected this reaction, I would have been terrified.

"I hadn't realized all you had been through," he muttered through his clenched jaw. "He'll pay for what he did, dearie. You can surely count on that."

Before I could say anything, he stalked out of the room. I wish he had stayed, but I knew he wanted to protect and avenge me. I drew my knees into my chest and took some deep breaths to calm myself down.

After several minutes, when I was feeling better, I looked around and saw that Rumple had left chocolate, movies, and books for me on the nightstand. With a slight smile, I picked a chocolate and began to unwrap it while thinking of how great a husband I had.

But those happy thoughts were replaced with fear when I heard a loud bang and glass shattering. I longed for my magic when I heard heavy feet storming through the house, and I grabbed my phone when an angry voice started calling out my name. I heard thundering stomps come up the stairs and locked the bedroom door. Within seconds the door was being pounded by fists and kicked.

I was terrified knowing the intruder was trying to get to me. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door then hid in the closet. I tried to breath but my throat felt as though it was closing in on me.

"Those are my kids! You are mine. [y/n], make it easy and come out now!"

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