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Mr. Gold held the door for me as we exited the shop. The night air was cool but refreshing with a slight breeze that swayed his hair. I looked him up and down, admiring his appearance against the night sky.

Is this a date? I bit my lip and tried to not get too excited. It'd be unfortunate to scare him away.

He lead me to his car - a very stylish Cadillac. Chivalrously he opened the passenger side door for me and placed my things in the trunk. He then graced me with his presence by seating in the driver's side.

"My, my - Mr. Gold," I said with a small tease in my voice. He turned to me and I gave him a playful wink, "you put all the other men of Storybrooke to shame! Quite the gentleman."

"Well - did you expect anything less, dearie?" I saw a smile flash across his face before he turned toward the road. He started the car and classical music began to play.

"From you, I would expect only the best." I smiled towards my lap and tried not to blush. I admitted to myself that I'd developed a small infatuation with Mr. Gold from the brief passings every now and again, but never had we been able to spend time like this. Whether this was our first date or not, it was off to an excellent start and I was hoping for another.

The rest of the ride, which was only about five minutes in length, was spent in a comfortable silence. Mr. Gold drove the car with expertise, and I amused myself by admiring the stars. Perhaps I'd ask Mr. Gold to go on a walk with me after dinner.

When we pulled up, he walked around and opened my door for me. He offered a hand to help me out, and I gladly took it. As I placed my hand in his, I felt a warmth come from him to me that seemed to spread throughout my whole body. I knew I was blushing, but so was he.

Once I was out, he shut the door behind me. I kept my hand in his, and closed the space between us. Our eyes met and I thanked him for his assistance. Playfully, I kissed his cheek, then - with my hand still embracing his - I began to head towards the diner.

I could tell I'd shocked him, but the blush that rose to his cheeks convinced me that it was worth it. He didn't seem to know what to say or if he should say anything at all. It was undeniable that I was flattered by his bafflement.

Upon entering, a waitress sat us in a booth next to the jukebox. By the time I faced him across the table, he had gathered himself together - mostly. Deciding to test the waters, I attempted to flirt.

"You look very handsome tonight," I softly batted my lashes towards him. The pink began to return to his cheeks, but he met my gaze.

"You look very lovely yourself," his eyes didn't leave mine until I looked down to the menu. I took that as a good sign.

Examining the menu, I saw there was soup, salad, hamburgers, lasagna - I hadn't eaten at Granny's before so I wasn't sure what would be best. I looked back up at Mr. Gold - he pretended that he'd been looking out the window, but I saw his gaze on me before he did.

Attempting to put his whole focus on me, I reached out my hand and gently touched his arm. When he looked to me, I gave a smile - which he returned. Staring into his deep brown eyes, I nearly forgot my question.

"Oh, I was wondering if you had a favorite item on the menu," I said after a slight pause. He looked at me a bit puzzled. "I don't eat here often, so I was hoping to get your opinion on what's good."

"Well, [y/n], the Soup du Jour and cheese soufflé are delicious," he gave a teasing grin. I rolled my eyes and cocked an eyebrow, completely aware that Granny's wouldn't have either. He lightly chuckled to himself. "The foods are all about the same here, dearie."

Our waitress came to the table soon after. Mr. Gold ordered a soup, and I ordered the chicken salad. I was trying to think of something to say, when his words interrupted my thoughts.

"Do you enjoy teaching?"

I was caught off guard. He wanted to know about my work life? How sweet.

"Honestly, teaching has become my greatest passion in life," I paused before continuing - collecting my reasoning for loving teaching. "I love to watch the children grow, and I'm glad I can be there for them. At times it's hard, but when they finally understand a difficult lesson and are able to act on that knowledge - every effort becomes worth it."

Mr. Gold nodded, "your dedication is admirable." I felt very honored to be complimented by him. I knew he worked hard as well.

"Do you enjoy being a pawnbroker?" I asked trying to return the pleasantry. His face scrunched a little, as if he had to think about his words before responding.

"I do enjoy acquiring items of significance." I thought that was an interesting response, but nodded my head in agreement. At the very least, he had many interesting items.

Our food came shortly after. I did my best not to stuff my face, and Mr. Gold ate with pristine manners. Over the course of the meal we talked about activities in Storybrooke, the weather recently, plans for the school, and much more. The conversation flowed, and before we knew it midnight had come - the shop was closing.

Mr. Gold paid for the food. I thanked him, and he thanked me for the company over dinner. Once outside, I closed my eyes and drew in a breath of the fresh air. Mr. Gold started to head towards the car.

"Would you like me to drop you off at your house, dearie?" He stood across from me, and slightly leaned on his cane. I considered his offer for a second.

"I would, but first I think we should go for a walk," I batted my eyes and tilted my head, hoping that he'd pick up on my not-so-subtle hints. When he smiled, I stepped towards him closing some of the distance. Putting one hand on his chest, I used the other to play with his tie. I gazed into his eyes and whispered, "a dinner date isn't complete without a walk."

I was hoping a kiss would come after, but a walk seemed like a nice start.

It amused me that he seemed slightly surprised at first, but gave a slight shake to his head and chuckled. "I suppose you're right, [y/n]." He offered his arm and I gently placed my hand in return.

I looked up at the stars then to Mr. Gold and knew tonight would continue being wonderful.

Golden Hope: Mr. Gold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now