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Rumple pulled his arms towards me, and I thought he had nothing. Yet, as his quivering hands were almost to my shoulders, I saw a tiny baby in his palm. I gasped as I saw our daughter was only the size of his thumb.

A distressing realization overcame me - the potion was only enough for our son, our poor daughter didn't receive any; thus, she didn't grow. My hands covered my mouth as I screamed in terror; my hope seemed to be ripped from within me in an instant. While still gripped with shock, I gingerly took her into my own hands. I had never wished stronger that I had magic or a potion; I needed magic to make her grow or a potion that would save her. Having neither, my gut wrenched and tears continued to pour.

Until that moment, as I looked at my baby, I never knew how agonizing it could be to lose someone you never truly had. It seemed I'd prepared a place in my heart for her, but now it would be a black-hole void of the love I'd planned to lavish on her. As I stared at her motionless body, I wondered what she would have been.

My head turned to Gold and my eyes pleaded for him to do something, but as I looked to him I could see that I'd be on my own. He had fallen to the ground and was muttering that he had failed us and our daughter. I wanted to comfort him, but agony prevented the words to come from my lips.

My eyes fixed back onto her as I began to debate what could be done. I crumpled from pain, and my arm unwittingly knocked the small potion bottle, that I'd placed on the edge of the tub, on its side. Gazing towards the bottle, my thoughts began to spin. 'What ifs' flooded my mind.

Thinking fast, I added a single tear from my cheek into the bottle, and I poured the last drop onto her body. I held my breath as the drop began to glow like a golden ray of sunshine and seeped into her small chest. My palm began to feel a tiny thump from her, and suddenly she grew.

"Rumple!" I yelled in delight as she grew into a fully mature baby, she had golden hair that cascaded around her face and touched the nape of her neck. As the potion purposed, she stopped growing as she reached nine months of maturity. "Our baby - she's alive."

Rumple's body shook as he rose back to my side and his lip quivered seeing the steady rise and ebb of his daughters chest. As we both placed a kiss onto her, she began to squirm and cry - reassuring us that she was healthy and alive. After a few seconds, Rumple took her and cleaned her while I cleaned myself and the tub - to the best of my ability.

He then placed our children into my arms, and, once he confirmed I was holding them securely, he lifted me from the tub and took us all to the guest bed. He held me and I held our babies - for a moment, everything seemed right in the world.

"Have you thought of the names you'd like to give them?" His voice seemed genuinely curious. He knew I preferred to be prepared for everything, but I'd only found out I was pregnant yesterday. Further, until late last night, I had planned to abort them. I bit my lip and shook my head as I peered down at our children, my eyes settled on our daughter.

"Our daughter was born as small as a thumb - a little 'Thumbelina' then rose to life from the potion and our love." Rumple stared intently at our daughter, giving a small nod. She truly was a miracle child. "I want to name her Rosalina."

"What a beautiful name." Rumple gave a big grin and let out a happy sigh, "what about our son?"

"You should name him, Rumple." I gestured for him to take our son, "any names come to mind?"

As he lovingly held our son, we heard a loud knock on the house's door. I looked to Rumple as the knocking became louder and louder. Hesitantly, he gave our son back to me and promised to be back soon. I watched as he left and hoped everything was alright.

Within minutes he came back and explained it was Emma. She had gone to the hospital, expecting me to be there and returned when I wasn't. Rumple had told her I'd miscarried, because he'd be unable to explain how a four month pregnant woman gave birth to healthy children. She wanted to visit me, but Rumple insisted that she give me space. He explained that Emma was reluctant to leave, and that she wanted me to know that she'd help me in any way possible.

I nodded to his explanation, but wondered what we would do for our children. Would we have to hide them from the world? Would they be prisoners of this house? Even after the curse broke from Storybrooke, which it would surely break since Emma was here, would they be welcomed in with the other children or feared because of who their parents were.

The one thing I knew is that together Rumple and I would do our best for our babies and each other. I held onto that hope and leaned against Rumple. At least for today, we could ignore the outside world and enjoy our first moments as a family.

Hi, readers! I am open to suggestions for the baby boy's name! The one who suggests the name I pick will have this chapter dedicated to them!

Thanks, readers!

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