Bond Mates Chapter 1 - New beginning number 6

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Copyright © 2010 kirsty1000

Any unauthorised broadcasting and or copying will constitute an infringement of copyright. 



Ok so this is the first thing I ever wrote - the writing is BAD, the layout, spelling, grammar, use of run-on's etc is awful! PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE MY WRITING ON THIS STORY! I would personally rather you NOT read this one at all because it literally sucks monkey-butt but for some reason unbeknown to me, people like it!

I DO NOT have time to edit it so it'll be staying in the state that it's in at the moment. Please don't point it out because i already know! Lmao. If you want to read it then feel free to do so, but if this is the first story you are reading of mine then please don't judge this as my writing as I am actually ashamed of this story a little!!!!!

Ok read on if you want - but I personally would rather you didn't......

Kirsty <3


Chapter 1 - New beginning number 6

I rolled over looking at my alarm clock, ten more minutes won't hurt I thought to myself hitting the snooze button and getting comfy again. "Tyler get your fat ass out of that bed now or you will be late for fucking school" screamed my mom from my bedroom doorway. "Ok, ok I'm getting up mom!" I answered politely rolling my eyes, I waited until she closed my door then muttered "Fucking bitch! I am not fat!" under my breath. My mom hasn't always been like this, up until I was 7 she was the greatest mom in the world (in my opinion anyway!) I always thought I had the perfect life, perfect parents, perfect friends, Christ, everything was perfect! But three days after my 7th birthday my dad was killed in a car accident on his way home from work. That was the day my life fell apart, and everything just got progressively worse from then on.

I rolled off the bed and made my way into the shower taking my time trying to relax myself, I knew that today was going to be a bad day. I had been dreading this all weekend. Monday, my first day at my new school 'Royston High'. I hate being the new girl but hey, I should be used to this by now, this would be the 6th school I had started in two years. The longest I had been in one place since the age of fifteen was five months.

That was just long enough to make some really great friends and get close to them just before I had to leave. That was the worst part about it, leaving them behind. After that I vowed not to make friends again. I mean what was the point it wasn't like I was going to get to stay there long enough to keep them and saying goodbye hurt like hell, so I purposefully made myself a loner, didn't try to fit in and was a total bitch to everyone so that they would stay away from me. 

After my not very successful attempt at relaxing myself I stepped out of the shower drying myself off quickly and padding back to my bedroom to get dressed. I pulled on my electric blue lacy underwear and stood for a full 5 minutes looking into my closet trying to decide what to wear. Finally settling on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and navy blue round neck tank top. Going over to the mirror I put a little mascara around my emerald green eyes and added some clear lip gloss, I hardly wear any make up, but I don't need it anyway I prefer to look natural and to be honest I try to blend in as much as possible. I don't need any hormonal teenage boys following me around. Nope best to stick to my plan No friends, No boys it works best like that, like I said no goodbyes when we have to leave this place in a rush when HE shows up again.

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