Chapter 36-

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Chapter 36-

"Are you sure you don't remember the faces of your attackers?" Paul's mother, Taylor James asked as I attempted to not look away from her eye contact. She stared back at me, looking for a sign that I was lying or telling the truth. Her black rimmed glasses slide down but she didn't dare to push it back up in case I crack. Her recently dyed brown hair was pulled up in a ponytail and her pen was tapping lightly on the other-side of the video call. Dating for Paul for almost 4 years taught me that both their parents were great at knowing when someone is lying.

And according to them, I was the worse liar in existence.

I shook my head at the question.

See, a part of me did want to tell them but another part of me didn't. I looked at the top right of the mac, quickly realizing I've been on FaceTime with her for over an hour already.

Although I agreed to work with Paul's parent, Taylor and John, I didn't muster the courage to outright tell them who they were. I admit that within the first two weeks, I came very close to cracking but I still didn't gather enough courage to really talk about it fully in details. Every time I came close, I remember their threats and that would shut me right back up.

Was it weird working with your ex boyfriend's parents?


When I first talked on the phone with both of them, they both agreed that what happened between their son and me would not affect how they will act around me professionally. I somewhat believe it but it just felt weird in general to talk to them. Both of them were amazing as lawyers and as people. It was also no surprise that Taylor's sister was a cop as well since I met his whole family at this point.

They both also apologized of what I had to go through but wanted to reassure me that Paul knew and that it wouldn't have changed our relationship as he would protect and still help me. But when I told them my feelings for Paul is gone and that I was now dating Calvin, they nodded, saying that understand and respect my choices.

So far, the only thing they got out of me through the two weeks of video calling them was me admitting I was raped, it happened June 13th over the summer and the occurrence was the alleyway where my dad used to work.

"Ma'am, with all due respect, I don't think we can-"

"Reina, I told you to call me Taylor," she stated with a frown on how formal I was being to her, but I didn't mean too. It was just out of habit since I didn't want to sound rude to her since I'm not technically dating Paul at this point.

"Taylor, with all due respect, I don't think we can do anything. I really can't remember and everything was blurry and hazy," I lied, swallowing my excess saliva.

"'re fine with them continuing their actions on something else then?"

I had a deja vu as I remembered Paul asking me the same thing not too long ago.

I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my temples.

"No, I'm not."

She looked satisfied by my moral words.

"I know you're not. And I could tell you were lying," she smugly replied with a triumph smile.

"I'm not really sure what you're talking about," I lied smoothly again.

She laughed, "you're lying again, Reina."

I groaned.

"Seriously, how? How can you tell?"

She winked, "I don't think I'll tell you unless you tell me. Reina...I know this is very hard. You are so brave to endure all this on your own but I think you should work with me and John to find them. We need to make sure that justice is served."

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