Chapter 23

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                 * A few days later *

     * In the kitchen of the headmaster's
living building *

Days passed .. it was quiet . Silence was taken over by everything , I was alone . Sitting in the kitchen at the table , holding my knee to my chest as I was looking at the window . In my long wool dark brown cardigan , grey long sleeve shirt and some black long thick comfy pants . My long hair down , and some socks on . Ever since that day .. it's been gloomy everyday . I haven't really talked much , me and kaname haven't talked really either . I've pretty much isolated myself from everyone .. I even had headmaster let me stay in the extra room for myself for a bit . He said I should talk to kaname , and talk to the others .

Help myself get better .. and feed too . Since I'm not talking to kaname I'm not feeding either . All I really do is sit around , being quiet . I still go to school and sit with yuki .. and do patrols too . But I'm silent and stay away from kaname and the others . As I look through the window , suddenly that's when the headmaster came in . " Hey alex , how are you doing? " headmaster asked . I was silent .. not saying a single word . He looked at me with a concerned look I didn't acknowledge it . " Have you fed today? Talked to anyone? Seen kaname any today? " he asked . I still didn't say anything .

He sighed in worry .. and went to the kitchen . He grabbed cups , and started making something . " Yuki is worried sick about you , I think you should talk to her . " he said . I didn't say anything .. but I knew he was kinda right . I do need to talk to yuki , and to zero , to the girls and the guys and kaname . Especially kaname .. but then again I don't want to . " Kaname has been asking me constantly how you've been doing , and if your gonna see him anytime soon . " headmaster said . I didn't say anything again .. I just looked away . I rather be alone , I think I may just go to the guest room .

And lay down till I fall asleep . Maybe ,  cry myself asleep . Again . It's what I've been doing for the past few days . So might as well just do it again , I mean it's okay . I just want to kinda die right now , and be alone forever .
After a few minutes of the headmaster trying to get me to talk .. he sat down next to me and gave me a coffee mug .                    He held his , and I looked at mine . " It's hot chocolate , my famous recipe that yuki likes . Kaname likes it too , so does zero . I know you like it too . " he said . I looked at it . It had whipped cream on top , with chocolate syrup and flakes with some mini marshmallows . Damn it .. he knows I like it .

I pulled the cup towards me .. and held it . I let my knee down , and sat in my chair right . He smiled at me , being happy that he knew I couldn't resist it . " Will you talk to me please? " he asked . I took a sip of the hot chocolate and then held the cup in my hand . He laughed at me , and I was confused . But then wiped my upper lip knowing I had whipped cream there . And wiped my nose too . I nodded , and he smiled again . " So how have you been really alex? " he asked . " I guess .. i'm okay I think . " I said quietly .

" That's good to hear . " he said . I nodded , and sat there waiting for the next question . I held onto the cup .. letting the cup warm my chilled hands . I took another sip .. and smiled as I leaned back into the chair . Starting to feel at ease as the warm liquid warmed my body . " Zero seems to miss you to , but from how many times kaname keeps asking about you . My guess is he wants to see you more then anyone . " headmaster said . " Yeah .. I guess so . " I said . I did miss kaname .. snuggling with him , getting kisses from him , and just being able to be with him .

I missed everyone , and also I needed to feed . I didn't wanna end back in that room again where it's cold and kinda dark . " Alex , you really need to see him and the others . It's not good for you to isolate yourself from everyone , and it just hurts you more then you already are . " he said . " I know .. I just need time to think . " I said . " I know things are hard for you right now alex , and you want time to think . But talking it out with others helps cope with the pain your feeling . " he said . I nodded , and hearing his words kinda made me feel the pain come back . And the tears started welling up in my eyes .

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