Chapter 14

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     * After Christmas & New Year's *

   I slid on my black tanktop , and some skinny black jeans . Slipping on my combat boots , and then a leather jacket . I put my hair up in a ponytail , and then put on my weapons . I left the room , and walked out . Getting to the gates , and saw zero there . " Ready partner? " he asked . " Ready as I'll ever be . " I said . Lately there has been a lot of level E activity , me and zero have been getting the missions . I guess the association really wants to make sure I'm taking serious notes to trying and being my once amazing 2nd legendary hunter of the year like my mother . I've been trying so hard , and I've been doing my best . More then zero .

And lately a lot has happened .. Christmas was okay , same for the party . But instead of taking me away from the party .. he took sara . I didn't go to the new years party , I stayed in me and yuki's room . Lately .. kaname has had a change of heart about me . He's now with sara , and he isn't acting like himself . It's like he's a totally new person , it's like we never met before . He's forgotten me . The others have been here for me .. trying to comfort me the best they could . Yuki has been by my side like glue . Also , for me? I'm starting to get dangerous .

I've been having those blood urge seizures that zero use to have , it's gotten bad that headmaster made me get the same tattoo zero has on his neck . I have one on my neck too , headmaster said it'll help to try and help with my urges . The others have offered blood to me , seeing kaname isn't himself to feed me . And that I can't take the tablets . I don't take their blood though , trust me I've fed from them but I end up puking it later . But here's the thing .. I've been training more then usual . Strict training for hours , from morning till night .

Well when I can . I don't eat human food as much as I use to , well I don't eat at all . Just drink water or juice , or just drinks . That's all . Because when I eat human food too , I puke that too . So yeah .. i'm not getting nutrients from blood , or food . I'm weaker , but from training I'm still somewhat strong . The others are cornered for me , yuki is more concerned then anyone . Headmaster thinks I should go home , and try to get away from campus since seeing that being on campus just makes everything worse . But I tell him no , and that running away from problems just isn't the answer . And that I'm tougher then I look .

Headmaster has also tried getting to do full bed rest , but that doesn't work . I refuse no , and just want to stay up . I want to stay on my feet , not off them . So yeah .. I guess you can say life has changed a lot .

         * At old abandoned house *

" Alex remember take it easy . " zero said quietly as we walked in . " I'm fine , just hush . " I whispered back as I grabbed my staff . Not extending it yet . We walked down halls .. until we made it to a big room with a grand staircase , something that looked to be an old burnt livingroom . We looked at the middle of the staircase .. and there was the level E which held to be looks like a vampire women and she just turned into dust immediately . " Oh , looks like I've been caught . " he said . " You've done enough damage . " zero retorted . " Oh but I've only had a half of my breakfast .. " he grinned . I felt his hungry stare on me .

" Sorry bud but I'm not on the menu , only thing on the menu is execution . " I hissed glaring my red serious eyes at him . He immediately jumped up , and we ran after him . We ran down multiple hallways .. as we did

" Ahh! " I gasped . I suddenly fell , and I felt a forceful grasp on my back right leg . I turned my back , and I saw the level E grinning . " You'll be my second one today , yet you smell different . Like your not alone , oh well good more for me . " he grinned . I tricked kicking , but he held my legs . I managed to reach for my pistol , and suddenly I managed to shoot him in the shoulder . He screamed , and suddenly .. " Ahhhhh! " I screamed . I felt blood gushing , I felt an opening on my right side again and some other scratches on me bleeding .

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