Chapter 21

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          * 8 weeks later / Morning *

" Alex time to get up . " yuki said . I groaned , and turned in bed . " Alex are you okay? " yuki asked with concerned . I looked at her wincing , and she was worried . " I'm fine , and I'm getting up . " I said . I slowly got up , and got dressed . Me and yuki made it down the hall , but I was kinda limping because of the pain in my lower abdomen . I've been feeling like that for the 8 weeks , but also I've been losing weight and then gaining . There are times when I've been feeling sore , and not sore . My period has been fine .. headmaster just thinks it's a stomach bug .

Kaname thinks so too , and he's been trying to get me just be on bed rest . But I refuse , I've already missed too much school . And I've just about got all my makeup work done . So I can't miss anymore , I refuse to . So as we make it to the stairs , yuki gives me a very concerned look . And then we see zero at the bottom of the staircase , like he usually does . " Yuki I'm fine I can make it down . " I said . We both walked down it , I held onto the railing . As we made it down a few stairs , I suddenly felt a wave of pain hit me . I hold tightly onto the rail , and I groan again .

It's like that wave took the breath out of me . So I'm over here trying to catch my breath , as we make it down the stairs . " Zero , help please . " yuki said . Zero came up the stairs , and helped yuki get me down the stairs . " Alex , I think you should stay in bed . " zero said . " Yeah , you don't look so good . " yuki said . " I don't care , I'm not missing anymore days . " I said . They helped me to class , and when we got in class I sat in my usual seat beside yuki . I managed to get my stuff out , and get ready for class .

* During class *

Our teaching monologing , going on as I'm trying to write down my notes . But as I am .. I just get these medium sized waves of pain . And it's all in my lower abdomen , that's just all where it is . Yuki and zero have been giving me looks of concern , and my head also hurts . I don't know what's wrong with me . I'm starting to think that this is more then just a stomach bug , maybe like an old timey sickness . I didn't know excatly what was going on , but it felt like someone was stabbing me over and over with a hunter's knife . Suddenly , the reached asked for us to bring him our homework from last night .

I grabbed mine , and followed yuki down . As we made it down the stairs , we were now on the ground . Me and yuki had put our papers on his desk , as we were about to head back up the stairs .. suddenly a huge wave of pain hit me and then everything started to go dark . I heard screams , and worried voices . I fell to my knees , and I felt myself being caught in someone's arms . As for my last glimpse before everything went dark .. I saw zero holding me and yuki's face with tears .

* In the Infirmary *

* Sunset *

I heard voices .. loud and soft , and movement . My eyes fluttered open slowly , and the light from the room irritated my eyes . I groaned , and suddenly the voices turned towards me . Blurry figures .. turned into visible figures . I saw yuki , headmaster , kaname and zero . Kaname was sitting next to me holding my hand , and zero was holding yuki to keep her calm . Headmaster looked very concerned , while kaname just looked heartbroken . I felt a damp cloth on my forehead , and my uniform jacket was taken off . So now I was left in my black tanktop , uniform skirt and black stockings .

I felt my hair was taken down , and I felt sweaty a bit . Like I was having a hot flash kind of . " What .. happened? " I asked . Oh god .. I sounded so weak , like my voice was very hoarse . " You fainted in class . " kaname said . I looked to yuki and zero , and they both nodded . " Alex , I gave you some pain medicine which should make it all go away . But otherwise then that , I'm not allowing you to go on patrol tonight . I will have someone stay here with you in the Infirmary , then when patrol is over I'll have zero bring you back to your dorm . " headmaster said . I sighed , but nodded .

Kaname looked at headmaster , and headmaster gave a sigh . " Kaname , I know how much you don't wanna leave her side . But someone else has to stay , why don't you send one or two of the night class students . " headmaster said . Kaname nodded , and he looked at me . " I'll have aido and akastuki look after you , please rest while I'm not here . " he said . " I'll try . " I said . He smiled , and then brought my hand to his lips and kissed it . I managed to smile , and I looked at yuki and zero . " Yuki I'll be fine .. I promise . " I said . She nodded , and zero looked at me .

" Make sure she's okay . " I said to zero . He nodded , and soon they left and so did kaname . Akastuki and aido stayed outside of the room , guarding the doors . I was upset . Patrol was kinda my favorite part of the day , it's where I can kinda just relax while keeping an eye on other at the same time . It's where I feel more of myself because I get to help others be safe . I just also like help making headmaster's wish come true , I would to see vampires and humans coexist . But right now , we just can't expose the night class secret till we think it's time . And right now isn't the time .

The sun was completely down .. , and I was just laying there . I hated this . I didn't like just laying here , not being able to do anything . I don't like resting , and I can't sleep . How the hell can I rest if I can't sleep? I don't know . So I just turn on my side , and lay down . I sighed , and tried to get comfy . Seeing I'd be here till patrol was over . As I tried to find sleep , my throat felt dry . And I wasn't allowed to get up , so I guess I'll call one of the guys . " Aido . Akastuki . Can you come in here , well one of you . " I said aloud . I heard some talking , then in came aido . " Need anything? " he asked . " Can you get me some water please? " I asked .

He nodded , and went to the desk and filled the empty glass with water . That came from the water pitcher , that was sitting with the glasses . He came over to me , helped me sit up and handed me the glass . Aido isn't as bratty and spoiled as people think he is , he's nice when you get to know him well . But he's also just rather over dramatic . But .. as soon as he handed me the glass , a huge massive wave of pain just rushed through me making me let out a cry of pain . By reaction .. the glass slipped out of my hand and fell to the floor . Aido .. thankfully froze it before it hit the floor making it shatter .

Aido looked at me in concern , akastuki came rushing in . They both looked at me with worry , and I'm over here in pain as I suddenly felt something wet run down my leg . Omg .. what the hell is that? Either I accidentally just pissed myself from the pain , or .. my period just exploded . But .. it didn't smell like blood , if it were my period I would of gotten a big whiff of blood . I suddenly started to get that pain back in my lower abdomen .. and then I realized something . I may be in labor . LABOR?! ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME?! HOW IN THE ACTUAL F**K COULD I BE PREGNANT?!

" Alex , are you alright? " aido asked . " You don't look so good , maybe you should lay down . " akastuki said . " Guys , go get the headmaster .. and kaname . I think I'm going into labor . " I said . I still can't believe it myself . How could I be pregnant , and not know? Me and kaname had been really cautious now since our talk about kids . We have , I've been taking my pill every day and he's been using a condom . And if he doesn't have one , he just pulls out just as he's about to release . But how could I not of noticed?

I wasn't healthy over the 8 weeks , I've been lounging around . I haven't been eating good , if I would of known I would of known better . I heard aido gasp and start to panic , akastuki just had the face that said 'Are you serious? You got to be joking' . " Guys .. i'm not joking , I'm serious . " I said as I winced . I started to feel more pain , it all just came running at me all at one . Akastuki sent aido to go get headmaster and kaname , while akastuki stayed with me . It was awkward .

Well .. I guess being a parent came early .

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