Chapter 13

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        * Next Day ~ Sunset ~ After the mission *

   " I can remember , a time when I was so afraid , when even my shadow wouldn't follow me . So I , I , I , I'm picking up my sword to shatter all the pieces I was before . Cause I'm worth fighting for . " I sang softly . Toweling drying my hair with another towel wrapped about my now somewhat dry body . I only had a bit to get ready for my date .. and I was so excited . Today has been a good day! The mission went great , we killed the level E and it was awesome . I had like a few bruises , but I'm fine . They'll go away . So after drying , and brushing my hair I then put on my nice blue dress .

                ( Here's alex's dress

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                ( Here's alex's dress . )

I walked to me and yuki's room . As I walked , I thought of how tonight would go . Would we finally be able to alone for once on a date? I hope so .. I really need a night out . Plus , I wanna see kaname . I haven't seen him as much .. mainly cause he's been helping sara , exams and also he's trying to pack for the stay at aido's family estate . He's gonna be gone for at least a week and half .

Kaname said he wanted to spend the last days of winter break with me . He mainly wants to do Christmas with me , since it'll be our first Christmas together . And I'm excited . Which reminds me .. I need to go Christmas shopping . I've already got a list of the people I need to get gifts for . I'm gonna send mom , dad's and riley's gifts through the mail . So kaname and everyone staying at aido's family estate , will come back the 24th and then we'll have the rest of the time together . So we'll even get to spend New Year's together! Which makes me more excited thinking about it .

I can't wait . Plus I'll be able to do that new years kiss at midnight with someone .. kaname says he's got plans for us for new years . And for also Christmas . For Christmas , we're all having a party in the ballroom and then exchanging gifts and have fun . For new years were gonna do the same thing , except do exchange gifts it'll be fireworks till midnight then let the big firework pack go off . Kaname says we're gonna go to both parties . For Christmas , we're gonna stay for a bit and then leave before it ends . Then for new years , we'll stay and do fireworks for a bit . But 15-20 minutes before midnight were gonna go .

I need to go shopping for other things too . Gosh , I'm so busy . Well hey its the holidays .. it gets hectic . Can't help it really .

          * In Yuki and Alex's room *

      * An hour and 30 minutes later *

  " There . All done . " ruka said . Yuki got up , and grabbed a hand mirror and faced it at me . There .. I saw myself . My long dark brown hair had two braids going around to back of my head , and then they went down into a low braided messy bun . My bangs were left out .. and my makeup was done pretty good . It was a simple black and gold eyeshadow , with some mascara . My eyeliner was pretty good . " Now you just gotta put on your heels . " yuki said smiling . I nodded , and put on my silver one strap on the ankle and one strap on my toes heels . They were only like 3 inches .

Once I was done , I looked at them . " We did a pretty good job . " ruka said . " Yeah , we did . I say we're a great team . " yuki giggled smiling . Ruka nodded with her smile , and then I saw the sky from the window . The sun was starting to set more , and I knew it was time to meet kaname at the gate . He said he'd get a limo , we had a small argument over that . I said he spoils me too much , but he just said " Since this is actually our first date , I want it to be a good one for you to remember " And I said I love that he wants me to remember this date , but I just don't really like being spoiled .

" Alright , I gotta go . I'll see you girls later , and yes I promise I'll tell you what happens afterwards . " I said . " Okay good , because you know we'll both still be here . And I gotta get rima . " ruka said . " I'll go with , and after you get back we can all have a sleepover! " yuki said happily . I sighed smiling , but nodded agreeing to the idea . " Okay now go! Your gonna be late! " yuki giggled pushing me out of the room . " Okay I'm going! I'm going! " I laughed . I then continued to walk down the hall , smiling as I was happy .

I knew things were gonna go great tonight . I just knew it , I had talked with takuma about this festival . And he said that it's when the town celebrates a few days before Christmas because everyone is gonna be busy before and on Christmas . There's game booths , food and drinks , prizes , dancing with music . It all sounded so much fun . I remember that back in my hometown , the school there that I couldn't attend had festivals like that . I never attended that school ( because dad never let me leave the house really , he was still super cautious about me going to Cross academy ) .

The only reason why I got to attend cross academy , was because mom convinced him . Especially with a letter from headmaster , it convinced him I would be safe and get my education at the same time . So yeah .. it was a win - win for both of us . So as I made it outside , I walked to the gate and once I made it there I waited . It was cold tonight , but not a whole lot cold . I'm starting to regret wearing such a short dress . But oh well , I'm already outside and dressed . Might as well just go with it .. my life can't get anymore complicated .

As minutes passed , it soon had been 15 minutes . I wondered where kaname was , he was never the one to be late . He didn't forget did he? Hmm ... I wonder . So I start walking towards the moon dorms .

         * At moon dormitories *

  I open the door , and walk in . No one was in the livingroom .. that was unsual . Well everyone is probably packing to go home , or to other places . I walked up the stairs .. and walked down the hallway to kaname's room . When I got there , I knocked on the door . No answer .. hmm . I knocked again , and soon the door opened . There stood kaname dressed up for our date , but he had some blood running down his chin . " Kaname , who's blood is that? " I asked . " Alex .. I thought you'd be in your room . " he said .

I started to get an uneasy feeling in my stomach . " Why would I be in my room? I'm outside waiting for you so we can go out . " I said . I was starting to get worried , I felt like crying . But I didn't want to mess up my makeup , much less look like a crybaby . He looked away , then wiped the blood of his chin . " I'm sorry , but I'm gonna have to cancel on our date . Something has come up . " he said . What?! He's seriously canceling on me?! What the hell?! What is so more important then our date?! " Kaname , what's come up? " I asked .

" It's really none of your business alex , but I have to go somewhere . It's just government business . " he said . I couldn't see his eyes .. but his tone I couldn't read . He closed his door , and he walked away . I ran after him , and stopped him at the top of the staircase . I felt presences .. I knew who it was . Senri , takuma , aido and akastuki . I doubt kaname was paying attention to them , but I doubt they were gonna say things either . " Kaname please! Just talk to me! " I shouted . I felt tears welling in my eyes , and I wasn't gonna let them fall . Not a chance .

" Alex , there's nothing to talk about . And I rather not talk about this anymore , so goodbye . " he said and walked off . I felt like crying , I watched him leave . And soon .. a tear drop fell to the floor . I felt like falling , suddenly it's as if my heart was giving out from the heartbreak and everything was starting to go dark . " Alex! " someone shouted over the silence . Before I hit the floor , I felt myself being caught in someone's arms .

Everything went dark .. all I remember before closing my eyes was seeing akastuki holding me .

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