Chapter 1

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          * 1 year later *

                  ~ At Cross Academy ~

" Alex! " yuki shouted . I shifted in bed , and I continued to sleep . " Alexis nicole rele! Wake up! " yuki shouted again . I started to wake , picking up my school shoe and throwing it at yuki's voice . I heard a thud , and yuki only yelled more . I sighed and sat up rubbing my eyes . I then yawned , and looked around . I saw yuki still in her green nightgown with her long brown hair down . I sighed and just looked at her . " Come on , it's the first day and headmaster said he wanted us present at the orientation today . " she said .
I sighed again and got up , leaving the comfy warmth of my bed . Making it when then heading to my dresser . I grabbed my school uniform , and started to dress .

Once done , I slipped on my knee high black socks and on my combat boots . Then tying them and putting on my academy necklace on , and then on my disciplinary committee arm band on . I brushed my long brown hair and pulled it up into a ponytail . I then grabbed my straps and put them on my thighs , then strapped my staff and a pistol . Then sliding in my daggers in my boots . Me and yuki walked out , and walked to the main hall . Once there we saw headmaster and zero . " Yuki! Alex! Your here! " headmaster squealed . I laughed . " It took this one a while to get out of bed . " yuki said pointing at me .

" What I'm tired . " I sighed . " Not suprised . " zero said . " Well all that matters is that your here now , I'm a till waiting for the day class students and night class students to get here . " headmaster said . I sighed , and I yawned again revealing my fangs . I leaned on zero , he didn't mind we were good buds so he didn't care . I was pretty much another zero when it came to laziness . He thought it was funny . " What time did you go to bed alex? " he asked . " Four a.m. " I said . " Why were you up so late? " he asked . " Why don't you ask miss perky pants over there? " I said gesturing to yuki who was smiling to no ends .

" What? " she asked . I sighed and so did zero , but he chuckled a bit . These two have been dating for a while , so zero's been a lot more happier . And plus me , him and yuki with the gang had hung out last summer . It was fun . " Yuki stop keeping alex up , cause then I gotta hear her complain about you . " he joked . Yuki was fuming daggers at him , and I laughed . Those two were so funny . " What's so funny? " a voice asked . I knew that voice! I turned my head , and there stood kaname with the night class . I smiled and ran to him , pratically jumping into his arms .

He chuckled and held me , I heard ruka laughing with rima and takuma too . I loved kaname deeply , we had gotten closer last summer . I mean a lot closer . But I was happy , cause I knew I'd never love anyone else as much as I love him . " Alex , it's time you can smoosh over my brother later . " yuki said . I stuck my tongue out at her , she came after me pulling me . I growled glaring daggers making my eyes glow red with my fangs barred . She jumped back , and I calmed down and snuggled into kaname's embrace . " What's got alex so pissy? " aido asked .

" Yuki kept her up till four a.m. " zero said . " Don't you know rule number one of alex? " rima asked . " Never keep her from sleeping . " akastuki said . " Rule number two never take her away from kaname . " senri said . I smiled , and I kept to him . " Mine . " I said softly . " It's time! It's time! It's time! Come on everyone get ready! " headmaster panicked . I sighed , and I held kaname's hand . I was needy today okay? I haven't seen him in 2 days . So don't judge , or else ya will regret it . No one was gonna take kaname away from me .. not even yuki . Brother and sister or not , he is mine .

Headmaster went to the podium , and he announced himself . After a few more minutes , he announced for the disciplinary committee to come out . Me , zero and yuki walked out . " Introducing the disciplinary committee . We have yuki cross , zero kiryu and alexis rele! " headmaster said introducing us . " You can go to them for help , but at night they will also be on patrol . They will also not hesitate to come to me about any issues with the day class and night class arrangements . " he said .

I stood next to yuki , looking at the new students and returning students . There were a lot of returning students and new students , great .. that means longer patrols . Soon out came the night class students , I saw kaname and smiled at him . I walked to him and held his hand , I heard most of the girls go 'dang it' I smirked . And I leaned against him , he smiled and knew what I was doing . Headmaster introduced them to the day class , and then he talked about the rules a bit .

Well hey at least we don't have class today .. sweet .

         * Later / In kaname's room *

" How do I always end up back here with you? " I giggled between our gentle kisses . " Because , this is the only place where we can be alone and not disturbed . But also because you love me , and can't say no to me . " kaname said chuckling between our kisses . " I can say no to you , but I do love you so much . " I said panting . " And I love you deeply . " he said smiled going down to kiss me again .

  I pulled him closer , as he slowly deepened our gentle but passionate kisses . My fingers tangling themselves in his hair , and we stood in the middle of his room . I felt his hands trailing down to my sides , and slowly creeping to my skirt covered hips as he knew I had given him permission . He took off my weapon straps , putting them on the couch and taking off my uniform jacket leaving me in my black tanktop ( I refused to wear that flimsy white blouse under the jacket )

I took off his white uniform jacket and he was left in his black long sleeve dress shirt . I had already kicked off my combat boots . He trailed his kisses down my neck , and I held him closer . His hand caressing my right side , last year .. even though it healed he still was gentle with it . I pulled him up and kissed him again , and he smiled as he just left them gentle but sweet . As we pulled back , he had me close but leant his forehead against mine . Both of us panting . He looked at me and I looked at him .

" Kaname we can't .. even as much as I want to . " I said . " Why not? " he asked . " Cause you know the others are here , even if your walls are soundproof . " I said . He looked at me , slight lust but full of love in his eyes . " Someone could just walk in . " I added . He sighed , and just hugged me . We went to his bed and sat down , I held his hand leaning on his shoulder . " So do you think the headmaster will mind you coming back over during the night? " kaname asked .

" I don't think so , but I'll have to leave soon . So I won't be here long ." I said .
" Why not? " he asked me . " Yuki wants to go out to celebrate another year of school tonight . " I said . " Are you going into town? " he asked . " Yes . " I replied . " Just be careful please , I don't want to see you get hurt . " he said . " I know , I promise I'll be careful . And then I'll come back to you .. well I'll try . " I said . He smiled , and I smiled back at him . He grabbed my hand , and brought it to his lips . He kissed it gently and I blushed a bit but smiled .

" Oh , before I forget . I have a thing I need to ask you . " he said . I nodded , and just waited there . " There's a soiree held every year at a house that aido's family owns , and I'm usually attacked by parents wanting me to take an interest into their daughters . I mean their nice .. " he trailed off and squeezed my hand . " But you already found someone . " I smiled . He nodded , " you . " he said .
I giggled a bit , but my heart gave a small happy squeeze as he said that .
" So I was wondering if you'd come with me . " he said . " I'd love to . " I smiled .

" A few people I know there will probably want to meet you there . " he said . " Who? " I asked . " Well there's yagari , he is a vampire hunter who knows zero . So he'd probably know your mom . " he said . I nodded , do careful watch of him . " And then there's takuma's grandfather . " he said . Oh jeez , okay I heard that , that guy gives people the creeps . Even takuma is scared of him . I've heard stories from the others that if he wants to visit , takuma makes a big deal and wakes everyone up to alert them .

Apparently aido thinks it's annoying .
" He's high in government , he'll see you with me so he'll want to meet you . " he said . " Okay , but I'm staying close with you . " I said . I held onto him , and he smiled at me .

Vampire Knight : A Human And Vampire Love Story 1 & 1/2Where stories live. Discover now