Chapter 9

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        * After the 'Steamy' Shower *

     * Back at yuki and alex's room *

After everything , kaname had walked me back to my room . Now we were outside my bedroom door .. just talking . My hair and body still wet from the shower , his hair was wet too . " Well , I guess I underestimated you purebloods again . " I giggled smiling . Kaname held me close , and he was smiling . " You always do . " he smiled .  " Oh well , but that doesn't matter . " I said giggling . My eyes went to his neck , there laid my bite marks . And my neck? His marks were there too .
" So , maybe we can do this more often . " he grinned . " I don't know , I doubt we will and I'm sure yuki is gonna find out . " I giggled .

" So? If she finds out she can't do anything , I'm older then her . " he said . " So , that won't do anything . " I said . Suddenly , the door opened and there stood yuki with zero . They both looked at us . I blushed a bright red , but kaname didn't say anything or react . He just stood there , holding me , and looking at them . " Yuki . " kaname said . She looked at kaname , and so did zero and so did I . " You shouldn't get onto alex , for my actions . If you should need to get onto someone for bad actions , it should be me . Not alex . " kaname said . I stood there .. and just blushed .

" Kaname , if you wouldn't get her in trouble then I wouldn't have to . " yuki said . " She's right , you are always getting alex in trouble . " zero said . " I'm starting to think your a bad influence on her kaname . " yuki pouted . I sighed , and kaname just chuckled . " I'm not a bad influence on her . " kaname said . Zero just laughed , and I just leaned on kaname . " I should get going back , the night class is probably wondering where I am . " kaname said . " Yeah its probably best you get going big brother , I think I heard aido yelling earlier . " yuki said .
" Okay , I'll see you tommorow then . " I said to kaname and I kissed his cheek . He smiled , and then he left . Wet hair and all .. and I just stood there watching him walk away . Smiling with a rosy red blush on my cheeks . Yuki suddenly pulled me in the room , and closed the door . Zero looked at me too with yuki . " Alex , why is your hair wet? " yuki asked . " I thought you said you weren't going to be out long . " zero said . " I wasn't , but it was hard at first so I decided to stay longer so I could push through it all . " I lied . I made sure I wasn't facing them when I said that , so they couldn't tell I was lying .

" Is that why you took your hair down? " zero asked . " Yes , it got hot . " I lied . " Zero I think you should go to , I have to talk to alex alone . And I'm sure she's gonna need to take a shower soon . " yuki said . 'Shower' . Suddenly flashes of earlier .. clouded my mind .

         * Flashback *

" Alex " " Kaname " , his hands running down my skin as the water ran down both of our bodies . The cold impact of the shower wall , cooled my back from the heated water . His lips on mine .. gradually moving to the patches of my skin . His moans and mine , mixed together as did our movements . The sudden pleasurable sting on my neck , the feel of kaname's fangs dug in my neck . My hand reaching to grab tuffs of his wet dark hair . The feeling rushing throughout my body .. feeling his too .

The way he was holding me .. the way his hands felt on me . It was all such an intensity . The rush of it all was coming to such an end , we both close to reaching that oh so needy gritty safe haven . The one that I've been to so many times before .. the way his body felt against mine . Skin against skin , the heat from the shower making it even more intense . My nails digging in his skin , his pale luscious skin . " Alex . " my name leaving his lips like a prayer . My fangs digging deep in his neck , feeding that I so needed but it only added onto the feeling .

His hands running up and down my body , his familiar touch oh so torturous . But also a homey feeling .. where I could go when I wanted to be in his arms . His touch , his arms , his body heat , his voice .. all so familiar to me . Sooner then I thought , we reached that safe place .

" Alex .. " " Kaname! "

       * Flashback Over *

" Alex! " yuki shouted . I jumped , and lost my balance . Almost falling , I grabbed my bed for support and caught my balance . I looked up at her , glaring emerald green daggers at her . " Yuki! Don't do that to me! " I shouted . " Then listen! " she shouted back . I sighed , and sat on my bed . " What were you thinking? " she asked . I immediately blushed , and looked away . " Nothing , just spaced out . " I said .  " So , why is your hair really wet? I know it's not sweat . And kaname's hair was wet too , so what happened? " she asked . I sighed , and I knew she wouldn't stop bugging me if I didn't answer .

I mean she already knows me and kaname have sex . So it's not a secret to her .. on my 17th birthday she knew kaname had planned for it afterwards , so that's why she had made me wear the lace underneath that dress . So it's not really such a secret for her , I just didn't really like her knowing cause it felt awkward . Cause how would you feel if your best friend asked " How'd sex with my brother go? " So yeah , it was awkward for me . I just didn't really like that she knew it , but I'd have to get over it .

Well .. might as well tell her , because I knew I couldn't keep a secret from her . I mean the girl managed to keep it a secret that me and kaname had done it from headmaster and my parents and the day class students . We're not best friends for nothing , and I'm happy I have her . " Me and kaname , did it . " I said . She looked and me , and then she sat on my bed with me . " Where? " she asked . " At the training building , in the girls showering area . " I said blushing deeply . It sounded embarrassing to say .. I mean what's the percentage of that happening for girls now?

" Seriously? " she asked giving me a weird look . " Hey its not my fault , it just happened . " I retorted . " So how'd it happen? " she asked . " Well , first I was just training alone . Till after I got from trying to catch my breath , he showed up and we talked . Because I had asked if he was mad , and he was jealous over nothing . Then one kiss went to another , next thing I know he's got me pinned to one of the showers and then one thing led to the other . " I explained . She nodded , and then started to laugh . " What's so funny?! " I said irritated as I glared . " I just never thought kaname would go that far . " she laughed .

" Well you know , I'm sure zero  wouldn't be holding back . If he saw you in something short . " I said . That's true , and that was a fact I was pointing out . I've talked to zero about things like this , I just bring it up since he always makes fun of me and kaname . And zero admits saying if yuki would give him a sign she was ready , then they would . But he's waiting till she thinks she is . Vampires .. this thing really irks me , but hey as long as I'm safe I'm good .

Later .. me and yuki ended staying up for another hour or two , and then we went to bed . Seeing were still day class students , we have to be on human day/night schedule . Which isn't too hard for me . I'm use to it , and I mean real use to it . But it took me a while to get yuki to sleep , she had some things on her mind too . And for me? Sleep didn't come to me so easily .. so as yuki slept , I just laid there in my bed under my covers looking at the ceiling . Thinking , thoughts clouding my mind . Too many of them . But one was .. why the hell are vampires so freaking horny all the damn time?

Vampire Knight : A Human And Vampire Love Story 1 & 1/2Where stories live. Discover now