Chapter 8

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I'm going crazy! Like seriously, 5,400 reads! ahh, dead.

I hope you vote and comment and all that shazz!

And trust me, your comments don't annoy me, I love the funny weird ones!


Chapter 8:

     Still have about five days until the surgery. I'm beyond nervous, because this surgery could be the end of my cancer. They haven't given me much details, but I can tell this is a very important surgery. And i'm scared to death. What if it doesn't work out? What if I don't make it through the surgery? What if it doesn't help me at all? I was snapped out of my trance by someone waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked then shifted my gaze to the blonde boy sitting next to me on the bed.

"You alright?" He tilted his head to the side causing his hair to flop cutely. I just stared at him for a couple of seconds. He really is cute. I don't understand why he thinks he's so ugly.

"Just..thinking." I gave him a small smile to reassure him that I'm fine. Which I'm not. I'm freaking the fuck out. He raised his hand and cupped my face in his hand. I leaned into it a bit.

"What're you thinking about?" He searched my eyes with his. I shrugged.

"The surgery.." I broke eye contact, and looked down at my lap. He tilted my head back up to look into his eyes. Lately Niall's been really sweet. When I'm around him I get nervous of what he might think of me. When he touched me my skin ignites with a good kind of burn.

"Don't worry about the surgery babe." My heart skipped a beat when he called me babe. Maybe we could real date. I mean I wouldn't mind..

I glanced down at his plush pink lips, and he smirked. He leaned in a little bit, but our lips didn't make contact. I could smell his sweet warm breath as we sat in silence.

"Niall?" I asked breathing hard but quietly.

"Ya?" He sounded just as breathless as me.

"Do you think maybe.." I whispered. "That we could real date? I really like you." I looked down at his lips that turned upwards into a huge grin.

"I've been waiting for you to ask that for ages." He closed the distance between us and our lips collided. I tangled my hands in his hair and he shivered. I smiled against his warms lips. We deepened the kiss a little bit. A loud cough sounded from the door. I jumped away from Niall who now had a huge smile across his beautiful face.

"We're going out to a club! Get ready you horny teens!" Louis giggled before running away. Me and Niall burst into a fit of laughter. I gave him another peck on his lips before searching through my bag of new clothes I bought the other day. I could feel Niall staring at my butt as I bent over to look through my stuff.

"Stop staring." I turned my head and smiled at his red face.

"I can't help it! It's just so round and beautiful!" He slapped my bum then ran away giggling like a child. Wow, what a mature boyfriend I have.Niall Horan is my boyfriend. For some reason it just doesn't feel right saying that. Almost as if it should be someone else's name, but who? I don't even understand my own emotions anymore. I know exactly what I'm going to wear..

 After thirty minutes of getting ready I walked down the stairs to the waiting boys. They heard the clacking of my boots, and turned to look. Louis dropped the water bottle he was holding, and his mouth hung wide open. Niall smirked knowing that I was all his. Liam was covering Zayn's eyes because Zayn wouldn't stop staring. Last, but definitely not least Harry's green eyes were sparkling with emotion. I didn't over analyze the look he was giving me.

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