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chapter 31 -  explanations

"maybe all we need is a chance to talk it out,"

[edited - 23.12.18]

k e n z i e

If I wasn't in such a situation, I would have laughed my guts out. Annie and Hayden were having a frantic conversation together, completely ignoring me and Johnny.

"Do you think she'll kill me?" Annie asked worriedly as Hayden's eyes flitted to my thunderous face before giving a tentative shrug.

"Hopefully not," Hayden said while I scoffed. Oh, they didn't even know how dead they are.

"That's very helpful, thank you, but she'll probably pulverize me or something," Annie tore at her hair in frustration.

By then I couldn't take it anymore. I had already been tolerating them at a side for around ten minutes. Clearing my throat impatiently, I tapped my foot on the floor, causing them to look up at me, hanging their heads like delinquents.

"For your information, she is standing here, and she wants explanations, not your aimless banter," I crossed my arms, clucking my tongue. To be honest, I wasn't exactly mad, in fact, I was bordering on the more confused side.

I was also relieved. After I read the letter, it was obvious Hayden didn't want anything more than friendship, but he must have been exceptionally stupid the past few days. Plus, Annie makes him happy. He lit up in a way I hadn't seen for years.

"Are we in trouble?" Annie asked in a small voice and it took all my willpower to remain angry and refrain from crushing Annie in a hug.

"Just a little," I said cheerfully as Hayden and Annie looked at each other worriedly.

"Kenzie, I," Annie looked at me apologetically and I couldn't help but give her a big hug,

"Chill, I'm not angry at you, it's okay, just traumatizing to see my best friend hugging my psychotic ex," at this, I glared at Hayden as he squirmed under my intense stare.

Johnny crossed his arms around his chest beside me and for a haunting moment, a power couple image surfaced in my mind. My stupid brain. I swear, I must be going crazy.

Trying to hide my flushed cheeks because I was blushing so hard at the betraying brain, I buried my face into Annie's soft brown hair. Annie chuckled, squeezing me in a hug while both boys looked at me weirdly. Gosh, why do I have to blush so easily?

"Kenzie, are you actually blush-" Johnny started, smirking and I immediately slapped my hand over his mouth, my cheeks still flaming.

"No I'm not, I uh, Hayden come on, let's go to Starbucks," I blurted out, ignoring Johnny who was now wiggling his eyebrows at me. Prat.

"Um, okay?" Hayden said uncertaintly, while I tugged him along, trying to avoid Johnny and Annie, who were both grinning at me.

As I grinded my teeth together and walked past Johnny, intent on ignoring him, suddenly, his arm slid around my waist. I hate to admit it. But my mind immediately went blank.

I couldn't think of anything useful to do, or even say a snarky comment to brush him off. I just froze, my hands at my sides as my heart thumped to the rhythm of his name.

His hand curled around my waist.

Thump. Jo-hnny.

His hands gripped my waist tighter as my breath hitched in my throat.

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