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chapter 21 - confrontation

"thank you for teaching me,

that i don't need toxic people in my life,"

[edited - 22.12.18]

k e n z i e

My footsteps pounded against the ground as I struggled to run in my boots. Whoever invented them must be stupid. I can barely even move my toes in those tight shoes.

My mind unwillingly wandered back to him. Hayden Summerall. Seeing him again made all the memories fly back. I used to date him, actually he was the only boy I ever dated. And now coming to think of it, I don't even know why. I must have found him attractive last time.

He used to treat me like his princess, taking care of me when I was down in the dumps, and basically being the best boyfriend. Until that day.

I had just walked into my house when I immediately heard shouting. Mum and Dad were going at each other again.

"Shut up! Don't think I don't know about you and her!" mum was screaming as I chucked my bag into my room, rushing down the stairs to the kitchen where they were at each other's throats.

It hurts. It hurts a lot to see mum and dad fighting. Our family was in shambles recently. Mum said that dad had a 'woman' outside of house and dad kept saying that mum was too possessive. They fought everyday. Behind us, when they think we don't know. But I knew. Everything.

Maddie didn't even help as I tried to break their fight. She just immersed herself with her own 'perfect' life, going to parties with her friends and pretending everything was fine. When it was not.

As I neared the kitchen, I heard the words I had dreaded the most for a month already.

"Let's get a divorce!" mum yelled, oblivious to my shocked expression.

I expected dad to comfort her and disagree, instead, he grabbed his bag and glared at her, shoving past me.

I started panicking. This can't happen!

"Dad! Dad, please!" I pleaded, tears running down my panic stricken face as I clutched his arm. But the loving father I used to have was not there anymore. His face was foreign, cold and expressionless.

"Bye, Mackenzie,'" he said stiffly, crossing the porch and slamming the gate in my face.

Mackenzie. He never ever calls me Mackenzie. My heart broke then. This was not what a fourteen year old should face.

That time, thankfully, I had Hayden beside me. He was literally the joy of my life. He lit my heart up, literally. He always comforted me whenever I cried my heart out over my parents' fights.

And that was the time I needed Hayden the most. I needed him to hold me while I cried my eyes out. I needed him to comfort my poor heart. I needed him to show me that I was worth living for, a proof that people still cared about me. But when I needed him the most, he wasn't there.

He ignored me, all my texts and calls. I nearly went crazy searching for him, until his friend told me that he had left the country. And he didn't even tell me anything. I was his girlfriend. I heard that he got a new girl overseas. I was nearly insane, until Maddie told me he wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth my love. At all. So I stopped thinking about him. I forgot him.

I thought I would never see his sorry ass ever again.  Until now. He is back. And I don't know how to face him.

As I was deep in thought, a hand tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around, facing Hayden, who was panting heavily.

"You run fast for a girl wearing high heeled boots," he gasped, laughing at his old joke. I wrinkled my nose. He was lamer than last time.

"Haha," I forced a fake laugh, shooting him sarcastic looks.

"Well said for a person who definitely ran away fast from me," I snapped as his eyes windened, realising the hidden meaning behind my words.

"Kenz, I didn't mean to, I can explain, I," he started nervously but I cut him off hurriedly. I have no intention to hear him spew nonsense out of that disgusting, lying mouth.

"Its Mackenzie to you and stay away from me, do you get it?" I warned as he took a step nearer and he immediately stepped back, looking alarmed at my steely tone. And he should be. That asshole.

"What are you doing here?" I asked impatiently, crossing my arms as he fiddled with his phone.

"I'm moving back, Kenzie, I hope we have a chance again, I'm so sorry," he said hastily while I narrowed my eyes.

Have a chance again? He was sorry? Bullshit. As if I would ever take him back.

"You are moving back? Great, another annoying thing to worry about apart from Johnny," I muttered in irritation. Hayden immediately frowned darkly.

"Who is Johnny? Is he your boyfriend?'" he demanded threateningly while I just laughed dryly.

"None of your business, you don't control me," I hissed angrily, moving away from him. Who in the world did he think he was to run away from my life, then barge into it again and attempt to be a part of it?

"Kenzie, please," he begged, clutching my arm as I pursed my lips in annoyance. Such a weakling. He even needs to beg a girl to take him back.

So unlike Johnny. I blinked. Why was he appearing in my mind again? An unconscious smile rose up my cheeks, before I brushed it off hurriedly. Focus on the problem!

Turning back to Hayden, I tugged my arm away from his grasp forcefully.

"Stay away from me, I don't even want to see that pathetic face of yours again!" I threatened as the colour drained from his face.

"And just so you know, Johnny is a much better guy than you are! He's funny, sweet, kind and loyal!" I didn't know why, but I felt the need to make it clear.

Turning away for good and swallowing the lump of anger in my throat, I stalked away. I'm so gonna kill Lauren now.


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