Chapter 18

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 Chapter 18

The doors of the hospital slid open before me. I would later refer to them as the gates of hell but in that moment my hair stood on end and my eyes widened. I was next to my dad but the scent of vampire blasted me. Two different worlds clashing so completely. We entered and cold sweat dripped from all over and acid filled my mouth.

I couldn't have thought of - couldn't have imagined anything worse.

My father was looking at me suspiciously and I tried to act like there was nothing wrong. But everything was wrong. I couldn't act out I would drive my father to insanity too... but if I didn't everyone would die. I thought I didn't have anything to lose but suddenly the stakes were higher than anything I had ever felt before. Everything was riding on what I did, my decision in one moment.

And it would come way too soon.

I swallowed hard and my eyes darted around the room. My father turned to me and said something along the lines of no funny business, you fuck up once and you're out. I nodded, unable to speak because of the acidic water drowning my tongue. In real reality, if I fucked up we would all be out.

We walked closer to the reception. It smelt as if an army of vampires had poured through the corridor. The beast was overjoyed and licking its lips but my heart's and brain's horror kept it contained. My senses were overloaded I could barely stand straight and my dad nudged me in the ribs. He gestured towards the receptionist. Of course, he wanted me to speak to her but my tongue felt the same as my legs, lead coated bricks.

He gave me a glare and my legs jolted to life and towards the receptionist I walked. She looked up at me.

Red eyes.

"How can I help you today?" she asked with a smile.


The beast lurched forward inside me, KILL it screamed trying to force me to shift. But my heart held it back and my brain allowed me to speak, "We're here to see Kia Sorensson".

My heart held it back enough to allow my brain to get through all the small talk and I soon learnt where my mother's room was; High enough to really have been the one glaring at me from the window. The vampire receptionist didn't let on anything, she behaved so normally but her eyes stood out badly and every time she spoke there was a flash of fangs. There was a look of recognition in her eyes. She knew what I was but the fact that she wasn't doing anything both put me on edge and calmed me at the same time. I was aware of even the tiniest things around me but my stomach had stopped its gymnastics routine.

A big fanged unnerving smile from her ended our conversation and I didn't take the hint.

As my father and I began to walk toward the lift the sliding doors opened once again. I was too busy trying to keep my legs moving but as we entered the lift and I turned facing the door. I saw Juno, Ilona, Orvar, Lalla, Sabinus and even Sylvia there and they were looking directly at me, all of them had their weapons and armour on. Even Juno who I'd never seen ready for battle, she held a gun and her armour seemed heavy and thick. I opened my mouth to call out but the doors closed. I could hear a fight breaking out down on that level. My father was oblivious to it. He only gave me a disapproving look.

Dread filled me as the elevator rose and dinged open on the fifth floor. All hell had broken loose. The staff were being attacked, bitten and ripped apart by vampires. Even though my father was beside me I couldn't stop it.

I added to the hell.

And I didn't stop until all the vampires on the floor were dead. My golden fur was soaked red and when I came to I was alone panting, paws in the rivers of blood that I had so quickly created. Gore filled my mouth and, to my horror, my stomach too. The metallic taste and smell overwhelming nearly all of my senses. My father was nowhere to be seen and since I had made this level safe, from everything but me, I shifted and ran to my mother's room.

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