Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I've cursed my werewolf powers many times for many different reasons I think I've lost track of how many times. I wish they never existed and I was never bitten. I wished that again yet I would not be in this situation if it were not for them. Yet I had to survive it because of those powers. If I had a choice I would have died right there on the street beside Juno. But I didn't.

Through my blurred vision and throbbing pain I watched Juno die.

She was right there in front of me as I was helpless to do anything. She took her last breath and she was still. Everything was still.

There weren't any birds around to mock us with their calls, it was just the wind rustling trees and my own, heavy laboured breathing.

Who would have thought that it would be Ruby that was the person to destroy my last piece of sanity. I had written her off as harmless and unthreatening. It was so ridiculous if I weren't devastated I would have laughed. Ruby was dead now so there wouldn't be any satisfying revenge against her. William wouldn't be satisfying either, as evil and cruel as he was, he didn't wish for Juno's death. There was just nothing to be done about it except mourn.

I relaxed my neck and rested my head down on the decaying concrete. With my face on the rough surface, I watched Juno's peaceful face and unblinking eyes until my eyes closed.


I wished I wouldn't wake up but I did.

It was painful, my body hurt all over right down to my organs. I sat up and coughed up blood, splattering it onto the road, my lungs burned and ached with every cough. Yet I was breathing, I was alive. My body had healed itself to the point I could be conscious. There was Juno's body. Eyes still open and unblinking yet she wouldn't wake.

"You're a magnet for tragedy aren't you?"

I twisted around to see Sylvia standing behind me her face was distorted with horror and despair.

My voice was horse but as I found that I could speak, I slowly explained everything and found tears rolling down my face by the end of it. With all the crazy effort my body had to go to heal myself it still could cry. As I felt the wetness with my blood-encrusted fingers Sylvia knelt down beside me.

"You know Juno and Ilona could never really be open about their relationship in such a small close-minded town but I hope that in Elysian they can be together," Sylvia sighed, "This is mostly your fault but Torsten I pity you. When you are well enough to walk you should leave and I pray I never see you again."

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Thank you for trying to defend Juno from them, I wish I could have gotten here sooner," Sylvia stood up.

"Me too," I said.

"There's nothing left for you here, be wiser in the next place you go," the edge of Sylvia's lips twitched, almost a smile but not quite, "Goodbye."

"Goodbye," I whispered.

And I watched Sylvia walk off.

As her gray bloodstained figure faded into the hazy darkness I was in more pain than ever. It felt like my heart was breaking and my mind was tearing. It was excruciating, I was on fire. Despite the wounds that I had from the fight that were slowly healing these invisible gashes hurt more than silver.

I couldn't help but howl with pain then whimper. I couldn't move, there was no one coming for me now, no one left who cared about me. No one I could turn to. Completely alone. But wasn't that what a monster like I deserved. So I couldn't hurt anyone? Was this what I prayed for?

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