Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Turns out it wasn't just a warning. Vampire attacks had increased more and more. Sylvia seemed to think that the dismembered vampire and been reported to the "Leader" guy and he had drawn his attention toward this town. Whatever it was that they were protecting from the vampires was in danger because of me, so it goes without saying that Juno's group wasn't too thrilled with me. Especially Ilona every time she looked at me I swear she was either going to chop my balls off or stab me in the throat. And the dragon seemed to agree with her as if it were egging her on. Juno wasn't so mad at me though, she still forgave my newly bittenness and gave me warm smiles. Though she and her other friends would take the day off school and the rest of them would come back in bandages, for some reason she never would which still made me feel extremely guilty. Even the extremely tough Ilona came back licking her wounds. There wasn't much I could do to help them either, I wasn't strong enough. Juno had taken me to Sylvia's frequently out to practise fighting, though I felt like it was more to keep an eye on me to make sure I wasn't going to rip apart another vampire. They would let me fight a few vampires, even kill them. It however was always in the way that suited them, like putting the vampires out of their misery. So there was no goring. But oh was it tempting. The third voice inside me, the beast, licked its lips at the sight of blood wanting me to bite into gore no matter where it came from. Strangely even if it was my own blood. When it got the taste of blood it was even harder to control. It just wanted more and more. Every vampire I killed, it wanted to mutilate and eat, though I had to admit the sight of their death and the feeling and sound of tearing flesh excited me to the point of drooling. This side of me wanted another vampire to try and attack me while I was alone. So I would only leave the bones. My heart and my brain didn't seem to mind the beast's boner for blood strangely. So neither did I.

I had been more careful not to get blood on my clothes when Sylvia told me that we were going to fight I packed a change of clothes in my bag. My mother had become suspicious as I washed my clothes. I put lots of stain removing chemicals into the washing machine and my mother walked past the laundry her high heeled boots clopping on the floorboards like some sceptical horse. I smiled to myself and started the washing machine and the clothes began to tumble within, and soon the blood would be gone. Evidence too. Turning to leave I heard the clopping quickly disappear. I followed after it.

"Is it really that strange that I want to wash my own clothes?" I called after her.

She turned around, "No, not all Torsten."

"Then why have you been walking past me like a shoe window display?"

"I have not, you been imagining things," she walked into another room and I heard her mutter, "silly boy."


When I arrived at school, the first notable person I saw was Conner. I gave him a wave and he walked off. Still salty about Ruby I guessed. His patheticness made me smirk. I was hardly "dating" Ruby anymore. Ever since she made that comment about Juno...

... I must admit I forgot what that comment was...

But I'm still angry about it! So whenever I saw Ruby I gave her the cold shoulder, and I guessed she was upset. I wouldn't know. Since I couldn't care less. Though this, as it has been dubbed by the gossip kings and queens of the school, "break up" made me "available" so I could feel the eyes of girls on my body. The beast told me to fuck them and kill them, my heart told me to ignore them and my mind told me they're not worth my time. I went with my heart on this one. Giving them attention would give them more power and add to their approaches.

Sam was waiting outside the classroom of our first class together. "Hey Torsten," he greeted me looking up from his textbook.

I gave him a grunt of a reply as Ilona and Sabinus walked past us. Sabinus ignored me while Ilona shot me a glare. I looked away before my eyes fell to the dragon. Sam noticed the glare, "Wow what did you even do to her?"

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