Water Fountain

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"I'm gonna get you!" Tyler chases after Silas and Alexis whose running from him. "Gotcha gorgeous!" he wraps his arms around Alexis and we all laugh. Silas walks over to me while trying to catch his breath and slow his heart

I wrap my arms around him and look up at him while smiling. "I'm excited for tonight" I say softly and he makes a face of nervousness. "What's wrong?" I ask and he shakes his head before looking up at Tyler and Alexis as they lay on the grass together. "Alexis likes Tyler"

Silas turns to me. "Tyler likes Alexis. I've never seen him like this... he's... it's like puppy love!" he says, making me laugh. "Remember when we first confessed to loving each other? Hell, we skipped the hey I like you and went straight to I love you"

I smile. "I know and I'm so happy we came together" I put my hand on my bump. He smiles and kisses my temple. "And Maddie. All three of you are my whole world" I peck his lips. "I just wish my parents were here..." I sigh.

My eyes fog up and Silas hugs me. "Firefly, I know they're watching over you. They're proud of the most damn gorgeous girl you've become" he pauses. "And I'm sure they hate me" he laughs and I laugh along. "But really, they're watching ever move you and Maisie make"

I cry in his chest. "I love you so much" I sob and he rubs my back. "Even if they did hate you, they would have to get over it because I'm not leaving your stupid ass!" I laugh and passionately kiss his lips.

He responds then we get pulled apart by Tyler. "Tag! You're it bitch!" he pokes Silas before him and Alexis run. Silas groans and runs after them. Silas is really fast so I wouldn't be surprised if-

Tyler gets tackled down to the ground. "You're it fucker!" he punches Tyler in his chest, making him groan and Alexis chuckles.

"Never. Ever. Play tag with Silas Archer" Tyler struggles to stand up. I laugh and take out my phone to record them. They finish horse playing and walk into the house trying to catch their breaths.

Today's a really lazy day. We're all just sitting on my couch like there's no tomorrow. "Silas remember in school you never did your homework and one excuse was because the world ending the next day and that the aliens took your homework" I ask.

Everyone bursts out laughing as Silas shrugs. Maddie comes out of her room and walks up go Silas. "Hey Kitten" he picks her up and sits her on his lap. She yawns and rests her head on his chest with her eyes closed. "You tired?" he asks softly and kisses her head. She nods and Silas rests his head on hers. "Daddy is too"

Alexis awes and spontaneously hugs Tyler. A huge smile grows on my face and I hold in my squeal. "So cute!!!" I silently shout. "All of you four" my smile grows and I look from Tyler and Alexis to Silas and Maddie. "This is an awesome lazy day" I chuckle.


"All ready?" Silas asks Maddie and I and we nod before leaving the house. "You're gonna love this Kitten!" he says and she smiles. "It's lit up at night so bonus" he chuckles.

Why is he in such a good mood? Whatever. "Why are we coming here exactly? To have family time?" I chuckle and he nods. "One more month and Asher can join us! Well... physically"

Silas puts his free hand on my bump and Asher kicks. "I'm so excited!! I'll have a brother and he can wear the other half to daddy and Is bracelets!!" Maddie excitedly shouts from the back seat.

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