Checkup and Kitten

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"No" Silas says sternly and I put my hand on my hip, telling him yes. "It's my baby's first ultrasound! I'm not missing out on seeing how it's doing" he adds.

I look at our surroundings which is his mom and dads boxing gym they have for Silas and Kai. "Babe, this is a huge boxing match you need to train for! I promise to tell you everything that I hear" I smile and he shakes his head.

He won't budge, he's so damn stubborn. "I'd choose my baby over a boxing match any day" he says and I raise an eyebrow. "Ok, it was one time. But really Firefly, I want to go"

I kiss his cheek. "Train for this boxing match that's this weekend. I'll tell you everything" I smile and he glares at me. "Don't you pout you big baby" I playfully punch his cheek. He pulls his bottom lip out to prove a point. "I'll see you later big boy" I chuckle and peck his lips before getting in my car and driving to my doctors.

I'm already late to my appointment because Silas wanted to be stubborn as hell. I suddenly called into the back to be met with my doctor. Remember the family doctor friend Sarah? The one I went to when I was first pregnant? Well she's back!

She ruffles my hair and smiles. Nice you see you back pretty girl! And you look amazing!!!" she says with excitement and I smile. "So what brings you in today?" she asks so I hold up the positive pregnancy test. "Again huh? Here to see if it's true?"

I nod. "You know me! So much anxiety about seeing if I am or not. Not like it matters, the father is excited" I smile. She nods and scavengers for a pregnancy test in the cupboards. She pulls one out and hands it over to me. "Thanks, I'll be right back" I go in the bathroom.

After waiting the designated time, it shows up two lines. "Congrats girly" Sarah smiles. "I never met the father, where's he at?" she asks and I snap out of staring at the positive pregnancy test with a smile.

"Oh I told him to stay home and practice for his huge boxing match this weekend" I explain and she makes an O shape with her lips. "He wouldn't budge, that's why I was late" I chuckle.

She smiles and pats my back. "I still need to see your first baby!" she says with excitement. "I never heard from you since, what did you name her?" she asks and I instantly regret not showing her Maddie.

She was there for after all. "Maddie Rose Winters" I smile, not saying Archer even though that's her last name. "She's currently at school right now, but when I come next I'll definitely show you her!"

"Pretty name! Alrighty well let's see how your baby's doing" she brings out the goo stuff and we get started. Once everything's set up, she pulls up the ultrasound and I awe at Silas's baby all cuddled up in a ball.

I smile. "Could you take a picture of it so I can show my boyfriend?" I ask and she nods before taking a few pictures. Then she goes over everything like it's heartbeat and whatnot, which was amazing hearing. I wish Silas was here, but I guess I was the one being stubborn.

Sarah hands my the picture and let's me clean up my stomach. "Your baby's healthy! It's heartbeat is beautiful" she smiles. "I'm sure your boyfriend will be excited to hear that!" she chuckles and I nod while playfully rolling my eyes.

Little does she know my boyfriend's a well know killer and son/grandson of the worlds most dangerous killers. "Haha yea he definitely will! Like I said, he begged and pouted for me to let him come" I chuckle.

She laughs. "So your next appointment will be in two weeks to check up on the little baby!" she smiles and I nod. I checkout then drive back to Kai and Annas house to see Silas punching the mitts on Kai's hand. Sweat drips from his face an the ends of his messy hair.

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