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Okay... Maisie's at school and I'm all ready. Well, not mentally, but physically. Ok... I got this. I get in my car and pull out of the driveway and to the entrance of the neighborhood.

"STOP!" a motorcycle pulls horizontally in front of my car, making me not able to leave. "Please" the person gets off the motorcycle and pulls off their helmet as they run up to my car.

Silas. He bangs on my window so I open the door then he pulls me into a big bear hug. Tears I didn't even know I was holding escape my eyes and I'm suddenly sobbing into his chest while he shushes me and rubs my back.

I needed this. A hug specifically from him. My arms find themselves wrapping around him tightly then he returns the favor and rests his chin gently on my head. "Thank you" I hiccup.

He shushes me and kisses my head. "Hey..." he pulls away, but keeps his arms wrapped around my waist which calms me down. "Listen Firefly... I was an asshole and I'm so sorry. I wanna keep this baby with you... I want you to carry my baby and we can raise it together" he says in the most soothing tone ever.

His sudden change of decision makes me stop crying and just examine him. He's not lying... his pure green eyes are so innocent and his face is genuine. "Thank you... I feel the same" I slightly smile and his lips curve into a smile as well.

"What about Kane? Did you tell him?" one of his hands move down to my stomach. Awww he's feeling for his baby! Unfortunately I don't have a bump yet, but still cute.

I sigh and look up at his 6'9 foot self. "Yes... I broke up with him though" I put my hand over his. He looks at me with confusion and goes to talk, but I already know what he's gonna ask. "Because I no longer felt anything for him... must've been infatuation and he wanted to start a family with our baby... and play the father role" I watch his expressions.

He harshly clenches his jaw and clutches my hand that's on my stomach. "So he wanted to be my baby's dad?" he asks with a bit of anger and I nod. He looks away and takes deep breathes before looking back at me. "Well, it's mine and we're keeping it" he over protectively says.

"Well yea, but who's gonna be it's mom?" I bravely ask. He looks at me like I'm crazy and stares at me to see if I'm joking.

"What the fuck?" he slightly tilts his head in confusion. "You! Of course you!" he drops my hand and his other hand that was wrapped around me.

I sigh and hold the side of my arm anxiously. "Well, you fuck around with other girls and I figured you didn't want me to even be apart of your loud baby's life since you clearly have other girls to worry about"

He clenches his jaw tightly and looks away. Then he looks back at me with a mischievous smirk displayed on his face. "Remember," he gets closer to my face, "I kiss who I want" his lips brush against my temple. "I fuck who I want" he leans his head on mine. "And I get what I want" his finger trails up my stomach then he walks off to his motorcycle with a smirk.

Shit. I must've sounded like some crazy girlfriend.


It's just school, Ella. I take a deep breath and walk into the building with anxiety of seeing Silas and Tyler. "How's my baby momma?" arms wrap around my stomach from behind followed by laughs. I turn around and see Silas looking down at me and Tyler off to the side.

Guess it won't be awkward after all. "I'm good and you?" I ask with a smile. He seems to be in a good mood today so I don't wanna be the reason he isn't in a few minutes.

"I'm kidding Firefly, do you really think I care about all that how are you shit?" he smirks and I playfully hit his chest as I laugh. "Really though, no more sickness?" he asks.

Silas Where stories live. Discover now