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After a few slips from the rain, I made it to dads house. I park my motorcycle in the driveway and open the door to find all the guys in the living room watching boxing matches.

I look at the screen, getting sidetracked and shake my head. "Let's go after the Panthers" I say sternly and they look at each other with concern and confusion written on their faces. "Well? Come on!" I growl.

Mom goes to touch my shoulder, but I back up and stomp my foot. "What's wrong?" they all ask at the same time. I pull out my phone and show them a map navigation.

"They'll be hitting West Park Bank tonight so let's go!" I stomp once again. "Guys come on, I need a distraction. Firefly left me and I can't go to the bar or else I'll regret it" I sigh and they all walk over to me.

Mom hugs me. "Sorry Champ. Are you stable enough to go after them?" he asks and I nod. The Panthers are a gang that robs people, lurks in women, steals guns, and the list goes on. They actually recently fucked with us, thinking the things people say about oir team is a myth. "Okkkkk" dad looks at the guys.

Grandpa claps his hands. "Let's get going guys!" he sternly says and we all go to the weapon room.


Quiet... SNATCH! I throw the bag over the mans head and pull him away from the crowd. "Does this look like a myth to you? I'm actually real" I say before snapping his neck, killing him instantly. Apparently I'm just a story to lure gangs to my team since nobody actually seen me or lived to say I was.

Dad pats my back and we join in on the shooting. "Shit" dad pulls out a bullet from his leg as well as Colin and Aaron. Then a man comes running up behind so us dad and I gang up and take him down. "Never mess with the Red Hooders again!" dad slices the mans neck and stabs his heart.

I pull out my bloody axe and drag it on the ground as I look for men. "I'm real! Silas Archer, rare sighting! Sucks you won't live to tell anyone!" I immediately turn around and decapitate a man behind me.

Then an army of men come running into the bank. "Fuck! KEEP FIRING!" grandpa shouts and we obey. A man comes running towards me with a knife and I run under his legs then pull him out by the legs. He hits the ground roughly and I shoot him in the head.

Then I swing my axe around to chop the head off of someone creeping up behind me. I love it... this pain. Firefly left me. Kicker is with her. "BLOODY HELL!" I throw my axe at the wall, killing a man. The guys look at me I fume with anger. I'm sorry I'm trying to protect her!

I growl and pull out two guns in my hands and shoot left to right. Everyone drops life flies and I smirk in satisfaction. Good. "Silas!" the guys shout and I turn to them to see dad laying on the ground. I immediately run over to them and kneel down next to dad along with everyone else.

He got shot repeatedly around the heart, not directly at the heart, but close. "Dad!" I shout and try to pull him up. "You're fucking stronger than this! Get your ass back up and keep fighting!" I growl.

He chuckles and struggles to stand back up. "Cover us, I'll remove the bullets" Brandon says and we all look at him, hesitating. "GO!" he shouts and we call go back into the war.

I aggressively stop and throw my knife at a mans heart. I run over to get my knife back then my beautiful axe. Grandpa jogs over to me and pulls me away. "Kid, don't let anything get to you like last time. This is big fight and you need to have your head in the game" he says and I nod.

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