Fights and Apologizes

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"They fled the country" dad says sternly and I drop my jaw. "Our reaction as well. We're trying to track them down" he adds. I shake my head in anger and run my fingers through my hair.

They're actually gone. We let them fucking get away! "I'm going home to my girls" I mumble before turning around, bumping into mom. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow, making me sigh. "Mom, I have my pregnant girlfriend at home and I need to see her" I say softly.

"You were exactly like your father and I was fine, so is Ella" she says. "You're pissed right now and I refuse to let you go home like that. It'll scare Ella" she convince and I roll my eyes. She sighs and looks at dad. "You know, you were just like your father"

I slightly tilt my head in confusion. "Dad was like this when you were pregnant with me?" I ask and notice them tense up. "What?" I push my eyebrows together in confusion. Dad clenches his jaw and mom sighs.

"Not necessarily" mom begins and dad glares at her. "He needs to know the truth" she tells dad and he huffs. "Your dad was like that when I was pregnant with your older sister, but when she passed, he was so broken and torn. Then I got pregnant with you... he didn't want to get attached to you like he did your sister, so he never talked to you, touched you, gave you a nickname, or talked about you" she says.

I clench my jaw and look at dad. "Are you fucking serious?! Is that why we're close now? So you can make up for the fucked up thing you did?!" I shout and he tries to form words. "I don't care what happened, you should never not believe in your child!" I stomp.

"You have to understand why I did it. When you were born, I regretted every moment of it. You're my fucking life, Silas. Don't ever thing I didn't believe in you" he says sternly and I shake my head.

"Bullshit! I don't care if Firefly's pissed at me or I'm pissed at her, I always talk to my baby every single fucking day and touch her so I can feel her move and she can feel me. No matter what happens, I'd always be there for my kid. Bloody hell! I treat Lily like my sister! Even if she hates me, I'd always be there for her" I growl.

I don't need this. Our relationship was a lie. I turn my back and storm out of the house, onto my motorcycle, and home. The whole ride I was blasting music and wishing I had my fucking vape that Firefly took.

When I pull into her house, Firefly walks out of the house and to her car. I get off my motorcycle and walk over to her then swing her around so she's facing me. "I-I'm going to the grocery store" she stutters in fear then I realize I aggressively swung her with my scowl still on my face.

I release her and calm myself. "I'll drive you" I take her keys and open the door to the drivers seat while she walks to the passengers door. We get in and I pull out of the driveway in silence. Good. I need silence right now.

"Where were you today?" she asks softly and I look at her then back at the road. "Why are you never honest with me? I never know where you are and..." she hesitates.

I growl and slam on the breaks on a red light. "I will pull this fucking car over and you can walk your own ass to the store" I snap and she flinches. Regret immediately flashes through my eyes so I try to form words to apologize. "F-"

Before I finish, she gets out of the car and begins walking in the cold rain. The light turns green and I hesitantly keep driving as I try to look out my window so I don't loose her.

Silas Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ