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I pulled the lapels of Zak's jacket closer together as we went through the lockdown plan together. However one problem was still to be fixed..

"Please let me stay here, you won't even notice I'm outside." I begged tugging on him gently.

"Katy I know you'll be outside and don't think for one second, I won't be going to the window every 5 minutes to check on you. The weather is picking up, you need to go back to the rental."

"Where I will be all on my own?"

"Bacon is with you."

"That's not what I meant." I threw back before giving him one last pleading look.

"Fine. But you keep your ass in the RV." He demanded making me smile. "I mean it."

"Don't be moody..." I pouted before looking around for Billy. Not seeing him in sight, I pulled Zak to my height and gave him a kiss.

"A relationship is suppose to be about negotiating.." He mumbled.

"Uh huh. We negotiated, I won. End of chat." I retorted ignoring the rain that was just beginning.

He grinned before pulling me up into his arms, delivering a bear hug before placing me back down gently. "I have to get some lessons in this negotiating of yours.. I can't have you winning all the battl–"


"Help me!" My chest heaved as I looked at my crumpled car.

The sound of horns blaring soon died down in the chaos, that's when I realised, it was raining. Not seeing any moving figures outside the car, I pushed my hand down my leg to try and relieve some of the pain that was soaring through it. Feeling the dampness, I choked back a cry of pain and brought my hand back to see it covered in blood.

"HELP ME!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

My breaths were turning into pants as I tried to get a grip of the situation. But there was no give, whatever was happening was actually happening. This was no nightmare!


My hands went to the seatbelt and tried to remove it, but the more I pushed the release button, the further it was getting wedged in. I screamed in anger and pulled on it harshly begging for some release.

The rain had got harder now, and it's droplets were landing on my face from the broken window beside me.




I gasped at the air around me, grabbing onto the arms that were before me as I took deep gulps of the air.

"It's okay! It's okay. I'm here."

My legs trembled, almost knocking my knees together.

"Katy, breathe for me." Zak soothed holding me closer to him. "What happened?"

"T-the car. I w-was in the car." I stuttered.

"Well you aren't now sweetie, you're here. With me. Look at me." He spoke forcing my eyes up to his face. Seeing the reassuring eyes looking back at me, I smiled slightly. "I'm right here and so are you."

I crushed my body against his, letting my head rest on his chest whilst he held me. "You're tired.. Try and get some sleep. Maybe I can get Bacon to drive around for a bit? Or maybe go back to the rent-"

"No." I interrupted holding him tighter.

"Okay, bone crusher.." Zak pushed a kiss onto my head whilst I closed my eyes taking the moment to ground myself here, back with him.

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