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The whole night, I twist and turned in the bed. Yes the one made of clouds did little for my mind as I churned over the possibility of Zak have any feelings remotely close to what I felt. He was a man of simplicity, a f*ck them and leave them. Not fall in love and set up a home.

I had seen him eat his way through women in the years, ones he kept quieter than others but there was no denying that he had one woman on the side constantly. Sometimes two, something I detested..

His phone was like lava, constantly hot with new messages and emails flooding in from women, and it wasn't a surprise, the man is a Greek god.

But one thing remained...

He never settled down.

At his age, most men would have a family home, a dog, kids, steady job and a family appropriate car. But Zak wasn't most men, sure he had the dog, being Gracie.. But he was a demon hunter, his cars were fast and the only family he had were the bloodline. Sometimes he considered the crew as his family, but there is a slight difference.

By 3am I had, had enough. Pulling on leggings, a slouch jumper and some vans, I decided that I was going to go to his house. Break whatever walls he had placed up and work out exactly where I stand because no other woman that he had been seeing was given a brand new flat with grey blackout blinds throughout.

Blackout.. Jesus Christ I love them.

Almost tearing the door off its hinges, I came to an abrupt stop when I saw Zak stood on the opposite side of the door, Gracie by his feet.

"Hi." I spoke letting the shock settle quietly in my soul.

"Um. We were in the neighbourhood?" He guessed scratching his head.

"Wanna come in?"

He nodded and stepped inside with Gracie, I watched as the Collie dog shot off around the apartment before settling on the rug.

"Can't sleep?" Zak questioned looking around before settling on my face. I shook my head. "Me either. Wanna make food?"

A smile pulled on my lips as our morning routine came into place. "I'd love too."

Following him into the kitchen, I watched as he went into the draws collecting everything he needed. It was only then that I realised he knew the way around my kitchen as if it was his own.

"What are we making?" I asked looking at the reusable bag full of items.

"Cookies." Zak responded looking over at me with happiness in his eyes. Not many people knew, but Zak was a cookie man. The secret 6 foot Cookie Monster. I've even known him to write his name on the foil to keep them fresh and safe..

"Cookies at 3am." I spoke out loud picking up the mixing bowl and placing it in a more convenient place.

"Cookies at 3am." Zak repeated before giving me a playful shove with his hip.

We worked in silence until the batch was on the tray waiting to go into the oven.

"Thank you." I spoke making him look back over to me as I sat at the table.

"Don't thank me, they aren't cooked yet." He joked, springing into action once the timer went off informing us the oven was ready.

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