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A week later..

"Katy?"  My eyes snapped to the voice in front of me as the doctor spoke. "Is everything okay?"

I faked a smile and nodded "Yeah, sorry I was miles away. What was your question?"

As the doctor pushed his glasses up his nose and repeated the question I tried my hardest to concentrate but throughout this whole appointment, hell throughout the last week, all I had been thinking of is Zak's words.

I had ignored all his calls to my home phone, my cellphone which was with the police, was unreachable. He may have also popped around a few times, and I may have ignored the knocking and purposely put the chain on.  I didn't want to see him, I didn't need people second guessing me. Living with this was hard enough.


"Sorry! Sorry. I uh-"

The doctor set down his pen and looked at me "I understand that this is difficult, but full cooperation is needed."

"No, I know." I answered almost wanting to kick myself. "Sorry, I just can't seem to shut off the other things up in my head."

"Hmm, would you like to talk about them?"

I shook my head "It won't help and will probably seem pathetic to you."

"I'm not here to judge." He reminded me.

I declined politely and sat forward in my chair to pull the focus onto what was happening in my hospital appointment and not some selfish idiot back at his museum of doom.

"Well here's some support groups, and I know what you're thinking.. But trust me, finding the right group would be good for you, being with others who also share the same worries and problems." The doctor spoke handing over the paper.

I did what I had been doing for the past 2 weeks, I brought the paper up close to see it.

"Ms Hartwell, when are you due an eye examination?"

"Next year." I replied squinting at the sheet. The writing is so damn small!

"May I suggest arranging one sooner than that?"

"What why?"

"It appears you're struggling to see the sheet." He pointed.

"Uh, that's because the writing is microscopic. Seriously how does anyone read this?"

"It's common after a head injury, for small changes to be made in the eyesight, it's nothing to be concerned about but if you are struggling-"

"I'm not. I'm fine.."

"Very well." He nodded once and clicked on his computer.

Eventually my appointment came to an end and I was hustling myself out of the room when I spotted a familiar face sat on the chairs outside of the room.

Approaching, the gentleman looked up at me and smiled gently. I looked away and walked past before back tracking and sitting beside him.

"Who are you?" I asked immediately causing him to blink.

"I- uh. Um-"

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