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Rapping my foot against the ground, I stared at Billy's front door.

It has been over 2 weeks since our spat and the crew were due to leave for lockdown this week. I for one can't bare atmosphere so I decided to come over and put it to bed, once and for all.

Only now I wasn't as confident, maybe it was because Zak had been ringing me to try and find out where I was. But he would only talk me down from having yet another explosive argument with Billy. However myself and Billy needed to do this, he needed to see that my relationship with Zak is different than the others, that I'm not a conquest. I am more..

Screw it.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it before stepping back, awaiting an answer. I didn't have to wait long as Sophie ran to the door and barked alerting everyone that I was lingering outside await to get in.

So when Diana opened the door, she wasn't too surprised.


"Is he here?"

She nodded before stepping aside and letting me in.

"It's nice to see you. Everything okay?" I ask giving her a hug.

"Yeah, well apart from miserable ass who shuts himself in the office. He says he is watching footage but he's normally finished by now. He says he refuses to do it around Zak's..." She complains.

I sigh "It's all my fault. I-"

"I've heard." She interrupts "Katy, you're a grown woman. You have your own mind and you know how you feel. Who am I to tell you that you can't like someone?"

I pause "You really don't mind?"

"Of course not. Don't be silly, now come in and sort my husband out because I can't get a lick of sense into him."

I smile instantly and head off towards the office. I knew the room was soundproofed so any yelling wouldn't affect Diana to the point where she would have to step in.

With Billy, I knew knocking would be pointless, so I barged in and closed the door behind me letting the shock of my abrupt entry wear off. Because I could guarantee when it did, he would begin shouting.

"What do you want?" He grunts pausing the footage on the screens.

"For you to pull the stick out of your ass and be my friend again. Regardless of who I see and date."

He scoffs and turns back to the screens "Don't hold your breath."

My shoulders sag, but I refused to give up, with the atmosphere between us now, compacted in a small space like an RV or hotel room, would lead to an explosive argument between the whole crew..

"I'm not leaving until this is sorted. In fact, I'll sit here all night." I respond, taking a seat on the leather couch for added effect.

I fold my legs and take out my phone before submerging myself in apps to pass the time.

Occasionally I would hum, or shift or even sigh to distract him. I planned to make his reviewing as painful as possible. Hoping he would give up and face the elephant in the room.

"La, la, laaa.." I sang quietly looking away from my phone as Zak rang again.

I had left him in bed this morning and the usual tactics of me being in the lounge or kitchen were scrapped as I decided to take on the bull with horns. No doubt he was pulling his hair out at where I had got to, so I pushed him a message to say that I had gone to take care of some things..

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