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"Th-They really aren't necessary." I spoke trying to refuse the set of crutches being thrust towards me from a medical nurse.

"It's for the best." She insisted, raising her brows challenging me to argue.

Sighing, I pushed my arms through the cuffs and placed them either side of me. A victorious smile filled her face before she zipped off to help another patient. Nurses, they really weren't given enough credit, they work 365 days and 24 hours a day. Seriously weren't given enough credit.

I walked away from the desk after signing my paperwork and headed towards the exit when I saw Zak stood outside leant against the RV. He had prescription shades over his eyes and donned black clothing, the fresh shave was noted and a ache in the southern region of my body pulled.

Looking down at my baggy clothes and fat ankle, I groaned. He was hot and I was not!

Billy made an appearance at his side causing Zak to push up off the RV, I watched as a conversation began to get under way and before long I noticed Billy's agitated face.

So it begins...

Not letting Zak face the music alone, I started off instantly towards the pair. Billy was going to have to understand that things don't work out how you planned them, that forces and feelings play a huge part in any relationship, whether it be a business relationship or a friendly relationship. He also had to understand that I wasn't a child.

The sliding doors opened allowing me to escape the medical building for the first time this afternoon. Zak had brought me here this morning to have my cut cleaned properly and to have my leg x-ray after my ankle began to swell at an alarming rate. Turns out it's normal for some torn muscles.

"Hey." I spoke interrupting the harsh whispers being exchanged.

"Hey sweetie!" Zak beamed in my direction, his body moving towards mine instantly. "How did you get on?"

"Better after you left and stopped giving the doctor hassle." I replied giving him a wink.

"Well.." He grumbled.

When we first arrived this morning, we were told that I wouldn't be having an X-ray done. Based on the fact they were too busy, but Zak complained and then some. Declaring them unfit to be looking after people and to run a medical centr— yes he threw a diva fit.

I looked past him slightly to see Billy's eyes blazing in our direction "You okay Bil-"

Before I could finish, he stalked away leaving Zak to shake his head and rub my back in comfort "Ignore him. I told him how it is. That you're an adult and we are both consenting.."

I groaned quietly "Maybe I should have a word with him?"

"If you want to, but I did say I would speak with him.. Admittedly I should have done it sooner." He replied helping me onto the RV. "So what have you done?"

"Uh- well a twisted ankle and torn the muscle in my foot. Hence the crutches, turns out my ghostly experience left me with one hell of story to tell huh?"

Zak chuckled "Yeah well, you always were one for outdoing us all. Sit." He commanded, his finger pointing to the couch.

I slid down slowly and sighed as Zak lifted my leg and placed it on his lap. "Poor leg always gets it."

"Another scar.." I muttered looking at the large white plaster.

"I'd take another scar than not having you here.." He murmured before looking up at me sheepishly "Is that greedy?"

My heart softened "No.." I held out my hand and smiled when he took hold of it, placing a kiss on the back.

He still couldn't open up about his feelings, he still hadn't uttered those three words..

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