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Three days later, my apartment phone rang, I begrudgingly answered it wondering who it was going to be after my avoidance of answers for Billy, and the run away I did with Zak. It was safe to say I had began alienating the people I cared about...

"Finally I get to hear your voice." Connor spoke making me instantly smile.

"Hey How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

Now that was a question...

"I am well." - Okay I've spent the last few days hiding but yeah, fantabbytastic.

"I've wanted to ring you sooner, but then I didn't want you to think I was some psycho, so the whole three day rule came in. But when in fact, I wanted to ring you that night... Is that weird?"

I simply laughed "No, I guess not. Not after what we've been through.. How did your hospital appointment go? Good or bad? You don't have to go into detail."

"Good, it went really well, the tin man is still going." He answered with a chuckle.

"Well that's good then. So.."

"So.." He trailed off before he almost shouted "Icecream." Down the phone.

"When and where?" I questioned him looking out the window at the sun.

Today, downtown.

I arrived first at the icecream parlour, I had never been to one in my life, so I presumed they sold Icecream and other things? Like maybe desserts? The pale pink walls were adorned with pictures of sundaes and smiling faces of children whilst the booths were almost rammed of small families. A parent on each side of the booth trying to contain their children who were getting their daily intake of E-numbers and sugar.

Stepping across the black and white checked floor, I was amazed that my feet didn't stick too it, not that I expected it too but hyperactive children, running and having drinks and icecream never really worked well. But the cleanliness worked for me and I settled on looking at the large board full of flavours.

"S-So Sorry I'm late." Connor puffed as he joined me to look at the board.

"I've only just got here myself, are you okay?" I asked looking at his appearance.

"Heh, I spend like two hours picking the right shirt only to sweat all over it.. Sorry." He frowned trying to adjust himself in the clothing.

I rolled my eyes playfully "You look great, relax."

"My car.. 10 blocks back.. Broke." He swallowed.

"Oh.. Oh dear have you called a gara-"

"My friend is doing me a solid, he's picking it up for me as we speak. I ran.."

I blinked. "All 10 blocks?"

"Couldn't keep a lovely lady waiting. Jesus.." He panted holding his side.

I laughed sympathetically at him and patted his back. "Take a breather, what do you want? I'll get it."

"No! No I pay. Jeeze, I was already late, letting you pay would finish me." He cleared his throat and stood up straight, "What would you like?"

"Strawberries and cream." I smiled.

"Then that is what the lady shall have.. Do you want to grab a table?"

"Yeah sure. Anywhere?" I asked him looking around.

"Somewhere quiet."

My eyes went around the shop before I gave a nervous laugh. "Where?"

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