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White moonlight spilled across the ceiling as I laid in bed, after what had felt like months being laid in a hospital bed, I had found myself retreating to my own bed for some form of comfort from the events earlier..

"What do you mean Billy? Like she's completely brain dead now?" Zak asked causing his voice to pick up an octave.

"Don't be so stupid. She's not a vegetable. She's had a head trauma, what she has is post traumatic amnesia."

"Which means what?! You keep telling me those words-"

"Keep your voice down!" Billy hissed. "It means that whatever happened was too traumatic for her mind and it's effectively shut itself off from the whole incident. T-there's loads of information about it online, she's going to be different bro, she's not the same Kat we used to know." He explained in a softer tone.

"No shit! She almost flipped when I went to hug her! And 8 years? Seriously? She thinks it's 2009?!" Zak almost screeched.

"No you fool! She knows the year and the date, hell she knew Trump was president! She just can't remember certain parts, and it seems you."

"But why?!"

"I'm no doctor man! Maybe it's because you two aren't as close as what her and Aaron are, or what we are? Maybe it's the effects of her medication bro? I just don't know."

I set myself back against the wall, my eyes slowly moving from the floor to the vase of flowers sat on the coffee table.

I had questions, and they started as soon as Zak had arrived..

"Well what about treatment, like cognitive, shock treatment?" Zak suggested.

"You want her to undergo more tests with her mind already as fragile as what it is?!" Billy shot.

"I don't know what they do! Do I?! Like you said I'm no doctor, but surely they can test her brain function, what if something is going on up there?" Zak pushed.

"They have done all the tests-"

"Then we find more!" Zak fired up.

"Hey! I told you to keep it down. Don't come in here shouting and thinking you know what's best for her. She's been in a hospital Zak, a real good hospital that specialise in brain injuries. They can't do anything else, don't you see, it's just a waiting game now."

"A waiting game for what?! To see if she remembers? What if she doesn't Billy? What if Kat has lost it all?"

The mere idea scared me, in fact it chilled me to the bone and I shuddered hard.

I shook my head clear of the memory and sat up, the clock figures told me it was just after 2am. Pushing back the bedding, I grabbed my crutches and slowly got myself out of bed. My arms shook under my weight as my body slowly woke itself up from the small rest.

"Come on, you gotta remember something?" I whispered making my way across the bedroom.

I snagged my dressing robe down and tossed it over my shoulder, but as I went to move, a faint smell lingered causing me to frown. Twisting my neck I smelt the robe collar and found that it smelt of what I could only describe was vanilla, leather and sandalwood. Balancing carefully, I inhaled the scent again causing goosebumps to cover my arms and the hairs to stand on end.

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