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Those were the words Billy yelled at both myself and Zak this morning. As I sat at Zak's breakfast bar, in his shirt and boxers. My ears were barely able to take the sheer volume of his voice as it bounced around the kitchen.

"Morning to you too." I grunted putting my toast down and looking at Zak as he tailed behind.

"Bill.." He sighed.

"You should have rang me! Instantly! How bad is it?! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you insured?! What's been taken?! Why are you wearing that?! Have you contacted the landlord?! I'll find you somewhere else to live, yeah?"

The questions over threw me and I looked at Zak for help. That's when he placed his hands on Billy's shoulders and smiled "Breakfast?"

"No I don't want fo—"

"Good idea. Toast it is!" Zak interrupted giving him a quick glare causing Billy to settle down and stalk over to a bar stool.

"Tell me. Everything." Billy forced.

My eyes caught Zak shaking his head at me as if silently answering my question on whether Billy really meant Everything. He must have also registered the annoyed look I gave after it on the fact we were still going to be hiding in the dark.

So I told Billy everything, missing out the part where Zak had to pick me off my apartment floor, bring me to his house and bathe me because I was covered in blood and alcohol. I'm a catch.. Clearly.

Billy sat back with a frown "It's so hard to concentrate when you're sat in that.. Why are you in Zak's clothes? Where are yours?" He asked.

"Right here.." Zak answered stepping in from the utility room. "Just washed and dried."

"I- what about the rest?" Billy questioned.

"Ruined. It sounds stupid but I don't want to put on clothes that some weirdo has been snooping through. Most of it is torn, or destroyed. I-.." I paused trailing off.

"What is it Kat? Tell me.." Billy urged taking my hand.

"I feel violated." I whispered making his eyes soften.

"I know sweetheart, it's such an unfortunate thing that's happened too. Please don't let this knock keep you down." He urged rubbing my back.

"Keep me down? I'm barely off the ground!" I exclaimed pushing the plate away from me with some force.

"Ah, no. You're gonna eat it." Zak spoke making his way over.

"How about coming to stay with me?" Billy asked rubbing his hands in circles now.

"Uh, where do you have the room?" Zak asked and I took my time to drone out the conversation.

I placed my head into my hands feeling the pressure of the world settling down on me. I couldn't keep up the façade of being friends with Zak and keep Billy sweet whilst I was recovering and now having to sort my apartment which was broken. Memories destroyed.

Something had to give..

"Katy? What do you think?" Zak asked making me lift my tired head up to see him with his arms folded defensively.

"I think it's best if I go with Billy."

The words were out before I could even register what I had said. Sure I meant it and felt it, but mainly because it would be the less suspicious option...

But then if I lived here, Billy wouldn't question why I was here if he turned up..

Oh god, it's all too much.

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