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The remnants of Vodka seeped through my pores the next morning. My brain felt like a gorilla had used it as a basketball, if it was even possible.

No matter how much I clenched my eyes shut, the room still moved and the stomach still churned. Vivid images of last night flashed in my mind, mostly containing me giggling profusely and falling through my apartment door. Only I fell into the arms of a man. I could still feel the warmth and hardness of them around my body, even now. How they held me tightly but gentle enough to keep me safe.


"Good God what have I done?" I asked myself as I was buried under my bedding. Hiding from the sunlight like a vampire.

The soles of my feet felt tender but I couldn't complain or grumble as I enjoyed my time with Connor. Only I enjoyed my time with Zak, just a little bit more.

Maybe... Just maybe Zak wasn't here? Maybe I fell in the door and just imagined him to be here?

Yeah. Sounds reasonable.

Because surely he would have slept beside me.. On the bed right? He wouldn't have left me to choke on my own vomit as a lesson on not to drink?!

But he wasn't here.. I was alone.

My soul eventually caved in and pulled the bedding back when I was faced with another situation..

I was in my underwear.

Looking across the bedroom, I could see my nightdress folded neatly on the side awaiting my body, only it never got to that stage.

"Damn that man." I huffed. I knew he was nude sleeper, and several times he complained about my nightdresses and nightshirts. But sometimes a girl likes to cover her skin.. especially when it's cold or we have an off day.

But before I could curse him anymore, my eyes landed on the side table creating a small smile on my face. A single can of cola sat patiently beside it with a note.

For when you are ready.

"Bless that man.." I whispered picking it up.

It was known to almost everyone that Cola was my hangover cure, unusual, but it worked and by goodness I needed it this morning.

Sitting up in bed, I took the can and drank it whilst watching the sun get higher into the sky, when I was finished, I got up and took myself to the bathroom and washed away the smell of last night.

Dressing in black jeans and a flannel shirt, I made my way out the bedroom with wet hair.

"JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled seeing Zak stood in my lounge.

"Good morning." He spoke watching me as I unfroze to pat my hair down with a towel.

"Seriously Zak! What the hell?! Why do you sneak around like that?" I asked pulling the towel away.

"Would you prefer it if I came in here yelling and bashing into things?"

I watched as he sat down on the couch and made himself comfortable. I took a deep breath and exhaled it before shaking my head. "How long have you been here?" I questioned making my way to the kitchen.

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