Chapter 2

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I woke up to the smell of fresh-made waffles being made. Mmmm smells delicious.
I got up out of bed and went straight into the bathroom. I did the usual routine and then stepped into my closet and threw on a black hoodie with white leggings.
You guessed it, I hurt myself. Something about doing it rather than dealing with my emotions really does stop the pain. My dad doesn't even know about it and it's better that way, I don't want to break him even more. I put on some black Aztec vans that my dad had made for me. Did I mention my dad was the Vice President of Vans? People don't know that. So you could say we're pretty comfortable, but not even money could fix a broken heart. He used to be a lawyer but ever since my mom died he just lost his touch.
I ate the breakfast he made as he told me some ideas he was coming up with. 
After that, he drove me to school and it was the same as usual. I went to all my classes as usual.
Same people.
Same books.
Same stuck up jocks.
Same dreadful popular girls.
Same nonsense/drama.
Same everything.
Nothing new.
I stared into nothingness in my History class. Mr.Sims, my history teacher, is an outstanding teacher but there are just days where he doesn't care about anything. Everyone just gossiping or Instagramming their life. Then there's me, all isolated. Nobody wanted to be friends with me. Nobody wanted to be friends with the girl who has appeared in every guy's bed to get over her mother's death.

Stupid rumors.
I'm literally 16 and still a virgin.

I felt my phone vibrate and I look to see that I've gotten a message from an unknown number.

Hey, it's Hayes. I'm Chad's son.

I wonder if my dad gave him my number. Maybe I should try to make some alliances if I do end up moving. The last thing I would want is the whole school believing a stupid rumor.

Hey, it's Lily. I'm Tony's daughter.

I kind of felt stupid for saying that, but I didn't know what else to say. He was a complete stranger. I put him as my contacts, Hayes Grier.
Cool name.
I laid my phone on my desk and just watched the madness go down. The whole day just felt so slow. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my business.
I went back to class and found the one and only Sydney, the most popular girl, looking through my phone.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked taking back my phone.
"You know the Hayes Grier?" she asked with a surprise face.
"I guess. Are you going to make up a rumor of me sleeping with him too?" I asked and went back to my desk. I can't believe we were friends at some point, but we both wanted different things. She wanted to be liked by the whole school and hating me clearly made it work.

I checked my phone.

So I hear you might be moving next to me :)

I smiled at the text at the possibility that I might be getting away from this place. I think it would be for the best.

Yea I hope :)

The bell rang and it was finally my favorite part of the day. Leaving.
"Lily, I need you to do me a favor" I heard Sydney say as we exited the building. I tried to ignore her but then felt her hand on my arm.
"Fuck off," I say pushing her off of me. I turned around and she had a couple of her friends there with her. Fuck. She gave me an unpleasant look and decided to take away my phone. I tried to grasp her to get my phone back, but it was no use. Her friends pushed me to the ground and kicked me. I didn't do anything. I felt so powerless. So useless.

"All you had to do was listen" I heard Sydney say as my phone was thrown at me.

This happens to me almost every day. I'm so used to it. I just go with it. There's no point in telling an adult, I'll be hated even more at school and my life would be more of a living hell. Nobody even defends me because they all think they'll get a beating as well.
I walked home, wincing in pain. When I got home I walked straight to the bathroom and looked to see a black eye forming. I put some cold water on it and proceeded to cover it with some concealer. I grabbed my phone and looked to see a few cracks but it was fine. I looked to see a text sent to Hayes.

I've changed my mind, I don't want to talk to some loser that spends his life on vine. Especially since he thinks he's much better than I am. You should spend your life with this girl named Sydney. She'll at least want you.

I sighed at the text. She's trying to ruin my almost new life. I have to clear this up but I don't know what to say.

Hayes, please text me.

I waited for half an hour and no response. I can't believe Sydney managed to ruin my life again. I looked to see I got a text but it was from my dad.

Call me as soon as possible.

I sighed knowing Hayes would probably not text me ever again. I decided to call my dad hoping for some good news.
"Hey Dad," I said trying to sound like everything was going normal.
"Hey sweetie, so I've got some great news. I bought a house in North Carolina! It's a great place, you'll love it and we'll have some friends next door to make this transition much easier. So start packing, the moving truck will be there tomorrow afternoon" he said with excitement in his voice. I haven't heard him this happy in a long time. It was heartwarming.
I was excited and sad at the same time.
"Can't wait, dad" I said with a shaky voice.
"Are you okay sweetie?" He asked concerned and I knew I had to make up something so he didn't have to worry.
"Uhhh yeah, I'm okay, I was just trying to make dinner but, I'm bad at cutting onions as you can tell. So want to go to a restaurant instead?" I said and just heard him laugh and then he hung up.
I looked at the ground as I put my phone on the counter.
Maybe all the pain and suffering is finally over. I can just forget about everything and finally get to live. Maybe I can show everyone my music and do something I admire.
or what if they hate me? What if the rumors are heard there too? I know they're not true but they don't know that. What if Hayes thinks I'm a bitch? What if my dad gets unhappy and crashes?
All these thoughts running through my head yet there's one in the middle that is loud and clear.

Wouldn't life be so much simpler if I didn't exist?

I walked upstairs and went into my bathroom and locked my door behind me. I opened the cabinet and grabbed the new razor out of its package. I put the cold metal against my skin and just thought of all the pain that I've caused for myself. "I hate myself" I whispered as I slid the razor against my skin and felt a pain towards my arm instead of my chest. It felt good not worrying about my emotions. The new blood started covering my old wounds as it slid off my skin. I cleaned off the razor and put it on my skin one more time. "Maybe I should end it" I whispered to myself once more but hesitated as the thought of my parents came up. Who would take care of my dad?  Who would be there for him? I put the razor away and cleaned up my fresh cut and any blood in the bathroom.
I went to my room and looked over at the text that Sydney sent Hayes over and over again.
What was vine?
That question kept running through my mind. I looked up and saw my DJ mixer. The only thing that could put a smile on my face. I went over to it, put on my headphones, and started singing along to the music. The first time smiling today, kind of felt nice. I ran out of ideas for more music so I started packing some clothes, shoes, and books. Also threw away things I didn't need and didn't want to take with me. As time passed I ended up packing half of my room and decided to leave the rest for tomorrow. I played a couple of games on my phone since I didn't have any social media. Didn't see the reason for getting it as everyone hates me.
After I was done I cleaned up and got ready to go to dinner with my dad. I put on a white long sleeve with a black skirt and some white vans. I put my hair up in a messy bun since I didn't want to bother with it.
I heard my dad's car pull into the garage and I knew it was my dad. We were going to a restaurant since he knows we both can't cook.
I headed outside and got in the car. I started playing some music on the iPad. I have more electronics but I use these the most. I try to use all of them but it's just too much. My dad buys me all of it thinking I'd be a lot happier. I try not to say anything about it because I know he's trying to do his best to cheer me up.

"So do you want to hear about the house?" he asked trying to start a conversation. I nodded. "Well it's a 3 story house, it has a pool and 5 rooms. The living room is spacious and beautiful. I'm also thinking of adding a trampoline and a basketball hoop for you if you would want that. We're also right next to the Grier's house so you can be great friends with them...There's also one thing I forgot to mention, because of the move being a little farther away from work, I'm getting a new office that I have to look after strictly for the first couple of weeks so I'll be working extra hours. I'm sorry I should have warned you but Mrs. Grier said you can go to their house any time you want to" he said trying to put all this new info in my head but I didn't care, at least we were moving. I gave him a fake smile and asked questions about the new house.

We're finally leaving this place.


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