Christmas Oneshot

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So this doesn't have anything to do with the actual story, but I had this idea, so I decided to write. I'm sorry I paused this. I was just having severe writer's block. If anyone has any ideas please DM me. I will more than likely update again before the new season starts I realized long away that actually is. I hope you like it, and for those of you who read my story Always, I put up a new update yesterday. If you haven't checked it out you totally should or check out Project Raven. Okay, I'm done with the shameless self-promotion now on with the story.

For Magnus and Alec, it was their first Christmas together. Against Izzy's protest of, 'but the whole family needs to be together.' Alec spent the night at Magnus's so they would wake up together. Magnus had been up for about an hour, ecstatic about their day the two would have together. He was extremely impatient. "Alec", he whispered shaking his sleeping boyfriend. Alec's blue eyes fluttered open. "Wake up it's Christmas."

"Magnus, what time is it? And why are you not in bed?"

"Sorry, I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep, so I got up. It's 7 o'clock. I started making cookies." Magnus's eyes lit up, and Alec couldn't help but smile. He just couldn't help, but be in love with the adorable man before him. Magnus didn't know yet though. They hadn't been together that long, but it was getting harder and harder for Alec to hold his tongue. "THE COOKIES", Magnus yelled, making Alec aware of the burning smell coming from the kitchen. They both ran into the kitchen to find flour covering the walls and smoke pouring out of the oven. 

"Magnus why don't you go get ready, and I'll make the cookies. We can decorate them after they cool."

"Fine, but we are using the glittery icing I bought at the store."

"Okay, whatever you want." chuckled Alec. By the time Magnus had finished his makeup, Alec was done with the cookies. Alec snuck in behind him, stopping Magnus from applying the first bit of gel to his hair, which was still silky and smooth. "Don't I like your hair like this."

"Can I at least shape it?"

"Fine, fine, but if it's not soft and I can't run my fingers through it, I won't let you use the glittery icing." Magnus gave a shocked face before agreeing to Alec's terms. When Magnus came out of their room, the kitchen was filled with sugar cookies. On the kitchen table, all of the icings were laid out along with several plates of cookies. Magnus was speechless. He ran over to the table, excitement in his eyes. By the time they finished all the cookies, not only was it almost noon but the kitchen was covered with glittery icing and sprinkles. 

"Alec help!" without a moment of hesitation, Alec ran into the bedroom to help Magnus. 

"What is it what's wrong?"

"I got icing on my face now I'm gonna have to redo my makeup!" Alec just snickered. "It's not funny!"

"God I love you. You're adorable!" Alec's eyes grew about two sizes realizing what he had just said. 

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"Uh, you're adorable."

"No before that."

"I-I said that I love you." a smile spread across Magnus's face. 

"I love you too!" 

A/N I'm sorry this is so bad. Now we can add this to the list of reasons why I don't write one-shots. Anyway, I hope you enjoy Christmas and get snow wherever you are. Merry Christmas

Xoxo E

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