Ch. 10

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Magnus P.O.V.

CRASH!!!, that's the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


We had been driving for about a half hour, heading to an amusement park. Things between Alec and I had heated up, and since I wasn't the one driving...well you know how that goes. We finally got to the park, but after about three rides and a shared milkshake, we were done. "Do you want to come hang out at my house or do you want me to drop you at school, so you can get your car?"

"You can just drop me off at school Alexander. I will be sure to call you later, and we can 'hang out' then."

"Sounds like a plan Stan."

"No one says that anymore."

"Well I do.", he responded playfully. Driving back to school was perfect. Our hands were intertwined and we sat in a peaceful silence, enjoying each other's company. When we parted ways I felt my heart go heavy. I never wanted to let go of his hand, and I could stare into his bright ocean blue eyes forever. I got in my car and drove away. I hadn't gotten even a mile away, I could still see Alec in the parking lot, when he called me. Naturally I reached down to grab it and knocked it onto the ground. I bent down to pick it up, and when I looked back up there was another car coming directly towards me; I had swerved into the other lane. Trying to avoid a crash I harshly turned the wheel. Which sent me barreling down a hill and onto the train tracks at the bottom of the hill. All of a sudden I hear the sound of a train. CRASH!!! And everything went black.


Alec P.O.V.     

I saw Magnus swerve, and I just started running. Following the trail of destruction his SUV left I found his car. It had been hit by the oncoming train and was thrown into a pile of junk cars. "MAGNUS, MAGNUS WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP! I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU PLEASE WAKE UP!" I fell to the ground crying so violently I was shaking. Once I called for an ambulance, I took Magnus' hand, holding it so tightly I thought I might break it. The ambulance had finally arrived, it had taken long enough. The EMTs got him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. I rode with them holding his hand the entire time.

"Sir, what is your relationship to this man, and what is his identity?"

"Uh...his name is Magnus Bane, I'm his boyfriend." I said my voice barely audible from crying. "Will he be okay?"

"It appears he is stable; however, he is in a coma. It's a miracle he is even alive. I have never seen a crash this bad where the person wasn't dead within seconds. I'm very sorry if that seems harsh. My best friend was in a car crash, the EMTs didn't tell us anything, and she didn't make it. But your boyfriend will survive. We will have to wait until he comes out of the coma before we can test for any nerve damage, but I think he is going to be okay." Once we finally got to the hospital I called Izzy and get into Magnus' phone to call his mom.

"Hey sweetheart"

"M-m-mrs. Bane, this is Alec, Alec Lightwood. I'm your son's b-boyfriend. There, there's been an a-accident I'm at the hospital."  I managed to stutter out through my tears. When I called Izzy I couldn't even form one coherent sentence, so I just texted her my location.

"Oh My God! Is he okay? What happened?" I felt nauseous, I started crying again, and definitely was not able to answer her questions. So I just hung up. Izzy got there and tried to get the story out of me. To explain it to his mom. A few minutes after I finished my incoherent rambling that Izzy had unscrambled, putting together the story to the best of her abilities.

"Izzy I can't do this, I can't face her, this is all my fault."

"Look at me this is not your fault. I can do all of the talking, if you want."

"No, I need to do this." She spotted us immediately. My eyes were all red and puffy and my shirt still had his blood on it.

"Where is he, what happened?"

"He is in room 221. There was" I started to explain what had happened, but tears came pouring out of my eyes again. And Izzy had to take over.

"There was a car crash. His car went down several hills and was hit by a train. He's currently stable, but he is in a coma" She said her voice quiet and hesitant.

"How did this" I cut her off before she even finished her sentence.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so, so sorry. It was all my fault.", the tears were now very heavily rolling down my face, but I continued. "I called him, and-and he dropped his phone. He swerved into the other lane, and was almost hit. So he swerved again to get out of the way and...and...he." I couldn't finish my sentence,but she didn't seem to care. She pulled me into a warm embrace.

"This is not your fault. Listen to me. I can tell how much you love him, whether you admit to it or not. But if there is one thing you can not do is blame yourself." Then to make the situation worse, Magnus' father showed up, yelling.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON!" I didn't say anything, I couldn't. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! NOT ONLY DID YOU MAKE HIM A FREAK, YOU TRIED TO KILL HIM TOO! THIS IS WHY YOU NEVER TRUST A LIGHTWOOD!" Izzy grabbed my hand to keep me from nailing him square in the jaw.

"ASMODEUS (If you didn't know that is Magnus' father's name in the books) that is quiet enough! You will not talk to Alec like that! He loves Magnus. If you don't approve then leave, and don't ever come back!"

"You know what Tessa, that's a great idea! I will leave!" With that he was gone leaving an emotionally unstable Alec, and the only person who could talk him down from doing something stupid, was in a coma.

***I'm sorry don't bite my head off please. I got the idea and loosely base this chapter on Jackson's crash from the show Emmerdale. Also the video at the top is of Jackson's crash. If you have any ideas for the plot please let me know.***

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