Ch. 6

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Alec P.O.V.

"Alec, Alexander...wake up." Said a groggy but fearful voice. It was Magnus. 'What...oh yeah' I had almost forgotten what had happened last night and that he stayed the night. I soon felt him lightly shaking me, and I rolled over. "You were screaming. Izzy came in to wake you up, but then she saw me and left." I gave a small smile looking up at him. He looked good like this. No makeup, no hair gel, just natural. I caught myself starting, and quickly stopped before he noticed.

"I...uh had a nightmare. I usually do. A lot of times Izzy will come in and wake me up."

"I am here if you want to talk about it or anything else. I promise not to interrupt or comment till your done and I won't tell anyone. I swear."

"Okay" I hesitated. Jace had been in it, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell anyone else about him. But I trust Magnus more than I trust anyone else. It's weird. " started out fine. Jace and I had just had our one year anniversary."

Magnus P.O.V.

" started out fine. Jace and I had just had our one year anniversary." He said it; he actually said it! I felt a smile start to form, but I quickly turned it back into the frown that created on my face. All I could think about now was Alec. I didn't start paying attention again until I heard the pain in his voice. "Clary had this glowing sword, and she took it and killed him with it while I was forced to watch.", a single tear rolled down his face as he looked at me waiting for a response. I decided I was going to be my glitterful self, and me super straight forward. Until I opened my mouth to talk.

"Did you say yours and Jace's anniversary?" He was now blushing and so was I.

Alec P.O.V.

"Yes I said mine and Jace's anniversary. Why that's not a problem, is it?" My voice was now very defensive and I definitely sound offended. All of a sudden I felt Magnus pulling me closer. He still hadn't responded. Instead of pulling away, I pulled him even closer. My stomach filled with butterflies as I pulled him close enough to feel his breath on my lips. As we were about to kiss, Izzy burst in, and I practically jumped off the bed. Both Magnus and I were blushing, and Izzy was
awkwardly standing there.

"Uh...Alec can I talk to you for a moment?" Instead of relying I just quickly exited the room, Izzy following me.

"What!" I practically yelled my voice monotone and cold.

"You like Magnus!" The smirk on her face now a grin. "I so happy for you! He totally likes you back!"

"What did you want?" Is all I said trying desperately to change the topic.

"Oh yeah, do you know where dad is?" I didn't say anything, I couldn't. Instead I ran back into my room and locked the door Izzy yelling after me. I couldn't breathe. Instantly Magnus was by my side. He picked me up, and laid me on the bed.

"Alexander, it's okay. Everything is okay. You are with me. You are safe."

Magnus P.O.V.

Alec came back into the room, locking the door. Panic rising in me about what had happened. All of a sudden he started having a panic attack. I knew exactly what was happening, considering I had, had them many times before. I picked him up and laid him on the bed. He started muttering things. All I could do was try to calm him down. "Alexander, it's okay. Everything is okay. You are with me. You are safe." This didn't seem to help though. He was still in a state of panic. Then an idea pipped into my head. A stupid idea but it was all I had. I pulled him closer. Wrapping my arms around him I kissed him. His panic attack had stopped, and he pulled me even closer if that was possible, deepening the kiss. I pulled away not wanting to ever let go. "I'm sorry." Was all I said before swiftly leaving the room.

Alec P.O.V.

"IZZY!" She came running into the room, with a worried look on her face.

"What, what happened, what's wrong."

"I k-kissed Magnus. Well he kissed me first." I was immediately cut off by an exited shrill from my sister.

"OH MY GOD! I can't believe it my brother likes a boy. By they way I knew it. You to are too cute together and are always staring at each other. We have to celebrate."

"No, I am not doing that."

"Fine, but then you have to give me the details." I let out a long sigh, realizing I'm not going to win this fight.

"Okay, so after you asked me about... about..."


"Yeah I uh, started having a panic attack." She looked at me with a look of confusion, but I ignored her and continued. "He came over and picked me up, then set me up on the bed. Trying to comfort me he said, 'Alexander, it's okay. Everything is okay. You are with me. You are safe.' I was still having a panic attack, so he kissed me. And I kissed him back."

"Aww that's so cute. You got your perfect first kiss."

"Shut up!" I said playfully "The only thing is, now I don't know what to do. I think I like him, but what do I do now?"

"That's up to you, Alec."

Magnus P.O.V.

I ran out of Alec's panicking. 'I kissed him I actually kissed him. Now what do I do?' Once I got outside. I got in my car and frantically drove off. When I reached my house; I ran inside and up to my room, completely ignoring my parents. I reached my room, and flung myself onto the bed. I heard footsteps outside the door. It was my mom. "Magnus, sweetheart, can I come in?" I had begun to cry, but I haven't the slightest idea as to why?

"Yes" I replied, my voice muffled my the sound of my crying

"What's wrong?"

"I kissed him mom, what if I just ruined everything."

"Okay start at the beginning. I was sitting on his bed. He came running into the room after talking to Izzy, his sister. Then he started to have a panic attack, so I picked him up and set him on the bed. Trying to comfort him I said 'Alexander, it's okay. Everything is okay. You are with me. You are safe.' It didn't help, and seeing him like that broke my heart, so I kissed him." My crying had become much harder now

"What is this boy's name?"

"A-Alec Lightwood" when I said his name I saw my mother become reluctant. I know it was because of his last name, but I didn't care.

"Does he like you?"

"I don't know. He kissed me back, and he told me this story about someone he had once liked. But I just don't know." That night I cried myself to sleep. Still unaware of why I was crying. 'Monday was going to be interesting'

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