Ch. 3

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Magnus P.O.V.

After making our way to the locker I hear one of the jocks yell an insult and I immediately turn around to make a snappy comeback, and soon realize that they hadn't been talking to me. They had been talking to Alec. As they kept yelling insults he just stood there, but why? Why wasn't he fighting back or doing anything at all. He sank into the lockers as they left laughing.  "Alec why didn't you stand up to them."

"B...b...because what they said is all true. I'm nothing, I have no friends, my family is falling apart, and...", he cut himself off as he started crying.

"Hey, look at me. you are not nothing. You are Alec frickin' Lightwood. All those people will become gas station attendants or work in the fast food industry they will never accomplish anything cause of how narrow minded and rude they are." He looked at me as if I had just told him I killed his best friend; we went to our next couple of classes and neither of us said a word to each other. When we went to lunch is when it got awkward.

Alec P.O.V.

When we got to lunch Magnus and I sat down at an empty table that was soon filled by Simon and Raphael who were so obviously dating, but trying to keep it a secret. Clary and Jace who really were dating and Meliorn and Izzy. Meliorn was completely in love with her and she either didn't notice or didn't care. As soon as she saw Magnus and the tear stains on my cheeks she blatantly asked "Who are you, and what the hell did you do to my brother?" without giving him a chance to answer she continued talking. "ANSWER me or I swear I will KILL you!"

"Izzy! He didn't do anything. He was the one who helped me."

"Oh... well in that case welcome to the group" She went around and introduced everyone in her usual giddy tone.

"Hi, I'm Magnus.", he said awkwardly after Izzy finally shut up.

"Oh, so your the one the whole school has been talking about. I haven't seen the student body get so excited about a new student since Izzy."

"Raphael leave the poor kid alone.", at least Jace was willing to stick up for my new friend. As we finished lunch Raj, one of the jocks who had bullied me earlier came over and started harassing me. He pulled my chair out from underneath me and I fell to the ground. I stopped fighting back a long time ago. They've beat me up several times, I didn't care. I deserved it. As they started to kick me I heard shouting and realized Jace had started to fight back. Then Everything stared spinning and I blacked out

Magnus P.O.V.

Once the fight had drawn enough attention a teacher came over and pulled Jace off of Raj. I looked around but couldn't seem to find Alec. 'Where was he?' I looked down at my feet trying to think of where Alec would have gone and that's when I saw him. Alec had passed out on the ground, his arms bruised and his lip bloody. Everyone else had left the cafeteria. I started to yell for help and after about 5 minutes some finally came. It was Miss. Branwell. "Oh my God Magnus what happened?" 'Wow I'm surprised she remembered my name.'

"Some of the football players came over and started harassing him. And one of them got into a big fight with Jace. They both ended up going to the office, but that's all I know I didn't see what happened to Alec, he just passed out." At this point Miss. Branwell was looking at me with a look of pity.

"Okay, lets get him to the nurse's office and then you should head to the office. I think they wanted to talk to anyone directly involved with the fight." I didn't say anything. I just picked Alec up and walked with Miss. Branwell to the nurse. He was slightly heavier than I had anticipated. Not that I minded. His raven black hair swept across his face, and I could feel the muscles he so clearly thought he didn't have through his shirt. When we got to the nurse's office I laid Alec down and when the nurse came over I caught a glimpse of his file. 'Alexander Gideon Lightwood, so Alec was short for Alexander, interesting' my eyes shifted from the file back to Alec. He looked so peaceful yet so broken. 'He truly was beautiful. Wait what no, I can't already have a crush on someone. Especially when I don't know if he could ever even like me back. Why does this happen to me.' I was pulled out of my thoughts when Miss. Branwell tapped me on the shoulder. "Magnus, he'll be okay we are going to call his parents and inform them of the situation. But for now you need to go to the office. Tell them you were there when the fight happened and that you saw what happened. If they ask you why it took you so long to get there tell them you were with me in the nurse's office." I stayed silent but nodded my head, and did exactly what she had said to do.

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