Ch. 8

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Magnus P.O.V.

As soon as we reached my house I immediately regretted bring Alec here. "Alec, can we do this another time. Please." I had started to beg, but it wasn't working. "Magnus you're not getting out of this!" He sounded irritated. I just smiled politely and nodded my head, leading him inside. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO GET HOME" My father would have continued to yell at me and worse about me being quote on quote late had he not seen Alec. Instead he decided to yell about something else. "WHO IS THIS YOUR BOYFRIEND! I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOU BRINGING HOME A BOY!" He paused for a moment to examine Alec. "ESPECIALLY A LIGHTWOOD! I WILL NOT HAVE THIS BEHAVIOR IN MY HOUSE!"

Alec P.O.V.

When we got to Magnus' house he had tried to get out of it, out of talking to me. Now I know why. I feel awful. All I could do was stand there, paralyzed in fear. "I WILL NOT HAVE THIS BEHAVIOR IN MY HOUSE!" He was finally done yelling, or at least it seemed like it. I looked over to see Magnus was crying. That was the last straw. Sure yell at me, hit me, but don't hurt the people I care about.

"DO NOT TALK TO MAGNUS THAT WAY! WHO ARE YOU TO SAY WE ARE TOGETHER! AND SO WHAT IF WE ARE! YOU KNOW I MAY BE A LIGHTWOOD, BUT I AM NOTHING LIKE MY PARENTS. IT SEEMS TO ME THOUGH YOU ARE WORSE THAN THEY ARE! Come on Magnus lets go." He was still crying, but now he had a confused look on his face. I grabbed his hand and lead him out the door. We got into my car and headed to my house. I pulled up and quickly realized my parents weren't home. 'thank God' we walked inside and were immediately bombarded by Izzy. Instead of answering her questions I dragged Magnus up the stairs and into my room.

"Y-you d-d-didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did. I know what it's like to be abused, remember. Can I ask you a question?" He just nodded his head, so I took that as a yes. "Has he ever hurt you, physically I mean?

"Yes, It started when I was 8. If I made him mad in any way he would hit me till I was to hurt to even move. Once I got older the beatings got worse and more constant, but once I got into highschool they stopped. Now it's just verbal abuse. Alec about what happened Saturday, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. I know you don't..."

Magnus P.O.V.

All of a sudden, I felt Alec's lips on mine. The moment his lips touched mine I felt all of my worries slip away. "Now what is it that I were saying about regretting the kiss from Saturday?"

"Shut up and kiss me." I responded, and he happily obliged. Without warning Izzy bursts into the room, and let's out a shrill of excitement.

"You two made up! Don't worry I won't tell anyone. I just came up here to see if Magnus was alright and if you were ready to go to the mall." We turned to each other knowing what the other was thinking.

"Yeah let's go get Alexander new clothes!" Izzy looked at me funny when I called him Alexander, but I ignored it. We all got into the car, and drove to the mall. The first store we went into was a Forever 21.

Alec P.O.V.

Once we were in whatever store it was, I was pulled in every which way. Both Izzy and Magnus piling clothes onto either of my arms. After several hours of trying on clothes at the one store, I ended up with A blue denim button up that Magnus said matched my eyes, a loose army green sweater, and several pairs of jeans that I thought were too tight. Finally we made it to the food court. Magnus and Meliorn spotted a Hot Topic and insisted we go inside. After leaving that store I left with several Harry Potter items such as a Slytherin sweat shirt, a t-shirt, and some other thing that I have no idea as to what it may be, but it seems to resemble an hour glass attached to a spinny thing. I have no idea honestly; Magnus got really, really excited though. Who was I to say no. When we left the mall it was at least 8 o'clock. I was not only ready for bed, but now I was $200.00 poorer. We dropped off Meliorn and Magnus then we went home. As soon my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

***Sorry for the short chapter. After the first half or so I started having writer's block. Also I didn't expect anyone to read this, so thanks to anyone reading. One more thing, anything sad in this story is Malecleader 's fault, blame her.***

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