Ch. 14

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*time skip 6 months*


He promised. He promised he would never cheat. It happened almost a week ago.


I can't take it anymore. My parents are so infuriating. Everything is taken out on me and I just can't stay in this house anymore. My father convinced my mom to let him come back home, but all they have done since he got home was argue, mainly about me. After having yet another panic attack, I couldn't wait for another to happen, so I packed a bag and was headed out the door. When I got to Magnus's house it was almost as my gut was telling me not to go in. He had told me what the door code was, I let myself in. I ran up to his room. The door was cracked, and just through the crack I could see he was with Raphael. Raphael pulls him in and kisses him before pulling him into a hug. My vision went blurry from tears. I ran down the stairs, loudly. I heard Magnus and Raphael yell my name, but I kept going till I got to my car. Then I drove to Jace's.

*End of flashback*

"Alec, Alec, wake up. Hey you're okay. You're with me. It was just a dream."

"But that's the thing it wasn't just a dream.", Tears rolling down my face landed on Jace's shirt.

"I know, I know." The sympathy in his voice was almost overwhelming. "Do you want to talk about it. I mean only if you want to. You don't have to." I shook my head as a sign that I didn't want to talk about it. "How about we watch a movie and eat ice cream, anything you want."

"Can we watch Twilight?" (I love twilight, but one of my best friends had her twilight craze way late. She has been obsessing over it all week so that's why I put it in the story)

"Of course, I'll get the disk and the ice cream."
We grabbed blankets and ice cream and got settled in for the movie. I am not going to lie, I cried through almost the whole movie.


I still don't know what happened, but Magnus really did a number on him. Alec has fallen asleep and ended up curing into my side which I didn't mind. I need Alec to be alright. He doesn't know it, but I know that be cuts himself. I also know what he had been going through with that man he had to call father. If I ever see Robert Lightwood again I will make sure he knows the pain he put Alec through. Izzy keeps calling wanting to try to convince Alec to come back to school or at least home. That whole convincing thing hasn't gone very well.


I haven't seen or heard from Alec since last Saturday when he saw Raph and I. If I could just explain that it wasn't what it looked like. Raph and I have a really long complicated past that not even Alec knows about, and the kiss wasn't what it looked like. When the abuse was at its worst Raphael was there for me. He was sort of my first boyfriend. He was the first person I told that I was bi. The kiss Alec saw was a peck on the cheek. It may have been closer to my mouth than it should have been, but it was our way of saying goodbye. Raphael had to leave. His parents were making him go to a private school cause they found out he was dating Simon. The school was all the way in Italy because that was the most rational option like ever. I had lost the two people who meant the most to me in one day and honestly I didn't know what to do anymore, so I called Izzy. At first she yelled at me. Then she actually let me explain what happened and she let me stay at her house for a night hoping Alec would come home. Needless to say he didn't. Izzy and I have gotten pretty close during this past week, but I am a complete wreck. My father has gotten worse, and Alec was my rock. I haven't even worn makeup all week. I just need to talk to him.
"Magnus hurry up we're gonna be late for school."

"I'm not going."


This has gone on long enough. They need to at least talk. Besides I need my brother back and Magnus to stop mopping at my house. I quickly text Alec that Magnus as well as everyone but myself is gone and that it is safe to come home for at least a few hours.


"Jace, Izzy just texted me everyone is gone from the house. I'll be back in a few hours I just need to talk to her."

"Okay, just keep me updated I always worry about you." I smiled at his comment and headed for my house. I walked in the door to see him walking down the stairs. My face got hot and tears started to form in my eyes. As I went to leave, Izzy grabbed my arm.

"Oh no you don't. Neither of you are going anywhere until you talk to each other."

-Sorry for the cliff hanger. Haha not really anyway I'll try to have an update next week for you. Thank you all for reading!

Xoxo E

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