Ch. 1

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Alec P.O.V.

I didn't think it could get any worse, but then again I was usually wrong. This was no exception. Last night they were up till at least two in the morning. As I finally drifted off to sleep after hours of listening to my parents arguing, I'm greeted by nightmares. I usually have them, but they've started to get really bad. There have been times Izzy, my sister has come in to wake me up because I was screaming, and my parents don't seem to care. They are to busy fighting or working. Maryse, my so called mother is the New York district attorney. My father, Robert is the governor. This time the nightmare had started good. 'Izzy and I had just come home from school and neither of the parents were home, so we decide to make dinner. Izzy not being able to cook if her life depended on it was put on knife duty, meaning she just got to cut up all of the vegetables. We were having a good time until our father came home. He had obviously been drinking and was extremely angry. Intentionally picking a fight he started nitpicking at what Izzy was wearing. When she argued back he just got worse. Picking up the knife Izzy had previously been using and he...' It was right as something was about to happen that I was shaken awake by Izzy.

"Alec wake up. It's just a dream it isn't real!" I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over to face Izzy. "It's all going to be okay, I promise", there was definitely hesitation in her voice, and it was hard who she was trying to convince. "Do you want to talk about it?" She would always ask me if I wanted to talk about it. Even though I gave her the same response, every time. I shook my head slowly and she left it alone. We laid there for what felt like forever. Her arms wrapped around me as I nuzzled deeper into her neck, tears running down my cheek. Izzy the most amazing person I have ever known and it's not just because she is my sister. She is kind and selfless and brave. On top of that she is gorgeous. I know that it's kind of weird that I think of my sister as gorgeous, but it's true. She has long wavy raven black hair, caramel skin, deep chocolate eyes, and the perfect body. She's short, but if you make her mad she will fight you and win.

All of a sudden the alarm clock went off interrupting the perfect moment. Now it's time for school 'great', I hate school. I'm not exactly the most attractive person ever. Pretty much the opposite of Izzy. My pale skin and black hair made people think I was goth or something. Which I don't exactly understand why but, whatever. She had lots of friends, every girl wanted to be her, and every guy wanted to date her. I had three friend and no one ever took any interest in me. I was a good student though. I had all A's and so did Izzy. She didn't let the fact that she was the most fawned after girl in school stop her from being the only the only one that would even talk to me other than Clary, one of my only friends. You know what to hell with everyone else they're all idiots anyway. Now that we were both ready. I was wearing my usual all black and combat boots and Izzy was wearing a tight black dress that is too revealing in my opinion, knee high boots with heels on the end that look like they could kill someone, and her usual sterling silver snake bracelet that coils around her wrist. I was about to tell her she should change her outfit so she is better covered up, but she won't listen to me anyway. So, why even bother? I drove us to school, and the entire car ride was silent and awkward. After parting ways I made my way to class and way immediately pulled to the office, but why? It's not like I did anything noteworthy, good or bad. I sauntered to the office wandering what it was I was needed for.

***This will be the shortest chapter I write. Enjoy the story.***

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