Ch. 12

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Alec P.O.V.

The moment I stepped in the door I was bombarded by Izzy. "Alec where were you last night! And you will tell me what all that was about last night, everything. Start talking! NOW!" Her voice was swift yet full of concern.

"I...uh...I was at the hospital. I fell asleep in Magnus' bed. The nurse that came in didn't tell me to leave, so I stayed. As for everything else I can't explain that. I had stopped for a while when Magnus had caught me. He stopped me from doing it again, but then he went into a coma. At the hospital, when I first got there, his father yelled at me. He told me it was my fault, that I tried to kill him. And I believed him. It is my fault. If I hadn't called him it never would have happened."

"Alec it is many things, but your fault is not one of them. His father is not a good person. Secondly, there were more than a few scars. Some looked old. There is no way that in a month you could have made all those marks. Just like there is no way they could have scared like that, that fast. So, how long and why? I know you probably don't have a good answer, but please, Alec, please."

"Okay." There was a long moment of silence before he spoke again. "You're right, I don't have a good answer. When I started, was the only form of pain I could control. Dad, he, he was abusing me. Not only was he hitting me but he would... he would abuse me sexually."

"Oh, Alec."

"Cutting was the only thing in my life I had control over. Then the fighting started, and we became no more than prizes to be won. Dad left because of me, I broke our family. Magnus helped keep my mind off of everything. He helped me see it wasn't all my fault. Then he went into a coma and that was my fault too. I hurt everyone and everything I love." It seemed as if he had something else to say, but instead he broke down in my arms and started to cry.

"It's gonna be okay Alec, it's all gonna be okay." That's what I said at least, but deep down I was trying to convince myself more than I was Alec.

Magnus P.O.V.

I had been out of the coma for a little over 24 hours. It was day two and waiting for Alexander's visit was excruciating. As I was about to call him, he walked in my room. His smile was bright and contagious. Which for him was very strange. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, Alec. My concern is how are you?"

"Good, I told Izzy, everything. Now You are coming with me we have a quadruple date."

"Wait, what?"  

"Yep, I know some of the staff, and I pulled some strings. You are coming with me and we are going to go on a quadruple date with everyone." I was speechless to say the least. 

"Uh, okay. Let's go. You didn't by any chance bring me any clothes did you."

"Oh yeah, here" He said tossing be a duffle bag full of clothes and makeup. "I didn't know what you would want to wear so I packed a few things, and I know how much you like to do your makeup so..." I was speechless truly. I had no words to express how much I cared for Alec. I knew I was in love and that was enough for me. Without warning I jumped up and threw my arms around the man standing before me. "Thank you Alexander." I said before pulling him into a passionate kiss. After we pulled away, he left the room so I could change. Once I had changed he came back in while I was doing my makeup. 

"Random question but how did you get into makeup exactly?" 

"Remember how I told you my dad use to hit me?"


"Well...I didn't want anyone to find out, not even my mom. So being the creative person I am, I went online and watched a video. I used my mom's makeup, and since no one was home I was never caught doing it. Makeup and clothing became a way for me to express myself. In a way I could not do using words." He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. His eyes said it all. Besides I was kind of glad he didn't say anything. Immediately after I finished, Alec grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. We got outside and sitting at the curb was a car full of all my friends. Of course the car was not big enough. The car was fairly large, it sat six. The problem was that there was eight of us. The driver and passenger seat were for Alec and I. Meaning everyone else had to sit two to a seat. Normally they wouldn't mind their significant other sitting on their lap but for a long car ride. That was more than any of them wanted to be crammed together no matter who it was with. I got in the car knowing I got my own seat and could rub it in their face once we were at wherever it was we were headed. 

"So, Alexander where exactly are we going?"

"It's a surprise, sorry can't tell you, but you will love it."

"Wait, your full name is Alexander?" we hear Simon chirp

"Yes, and if you ever call me that I will personally cut out your tongue."

"fine, GEEZ sorry."

Yeah, this was going to be an interesting car ride.

***Sorry if this chapter sucks I've been having writers block***

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