Ch. 2

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Alec P.O.V.

As I made my way to the office someone caught my eye. I had never seen him before. He was wearing a long maroon shirt that had gold embellishes, tight black leather pants, and gold combat boots. He had a full face of makeup on too and a bedazzled phone case. I found myself staring not in disgust but just in awe. I mean who am I to judge. When I got to the office he was sitting there, legs crossed playing on his phone. "Ah, Alec", said the receptionist, "This is Magnus Bane. He is new here and I would like you to show him around." 'great another thing I can get bullied about, not only that I'm the teachers' pet now cause they requested me, but the new kid is a bit out there, not that I'm judging or anything' I realized I was staring out into space; I quickly snapped out of it and replied, "Uh...okay." The new kid put his phone in his pocket grabbed his schedule, and awkwardly followed me out into the hallway.

Magnus P.O.V.

When I reached my new school I could immediately tell I wouldn't fit in. The parking lot was full of sports cars and the school itself looked more like a cathedral. Honestly though I didn't care. So what, I don't fit in, I don't really fit in anywhere. With my exquisite tastes and outfits I don't ever expect people to be nice to me much less to befriend me. Walking into the school I notice someone staring at me. He's tall and and definitely attractive, but it looks like he's hurting. As he walks away I can see the sad look on his face. When I get to the office the lady at the front desk tells me to take a seat so that's what I do. I notice she takes a second glance at me, instead of staring. Well at least the staff won't stare at me considering they'd probably get in trouble if they were caught staring or told me what they really thought of me. I pull out my phone checking to see if my demon of a father had tried to contact me, but luckily he hadn't. I heard the door open, but had no interest as to who it was considering they'd probably just be someone to bully me. "Ah, Alec", said the receptionist, "This is Magnus Bane. He is new here and I would like you to show him around." At that I looked up to see the who she was talking to. It was the boy from earlier. I could now see his piercing blue eyes and how is black hair was messy and natural, but somehow suit him perfectly. As I followed him out into the hallway I got my schedule from the receptionist. Once we were in the hallway he finally spoke. "Uh... so, just to let you know if you want to come anywhere close to fitting in, I'm not the person to hang out with. You'd want to talk to my sister; she basically runs this place. Don't worry she isn't awful like most of the people here."

"Um...thanks but I'm not to worried about fitting in here. It's never going to happen anyway so why push something so clearly already at its limit. I've never really fit in anywhere and I don't intend on starting now." At that I got a small chuckle out of the blue eyed boy, and his smile lit up the room

Alec P.O.V.

The new kid was very bold in how he spoke. It had me taken aback a bit, but really I didn't mind it. It was kind of refreshing that he wasn't a snobby rich kid. This may be the start of a new friendship. I took a look at his schedule, and very quickly realized other than our electives we had the same schedule. When we got to our first class I went a quickly resumed my spot by Jace and Magnus followed sitting on the other side of me. Everyone's eyes were on us, and Jace could tell how much I wanted to disappear. "Class we have a new student. Everyone this is Magnus Bane. Magnus, would you like to share anything with us about yourself?"

Magnus P.O.V.

Great just great, not even an hour into the day and I'm already going to be labeled a freak. Thanks Miss. Branwell, I stand from my seat trying to figure out what to say then it comes to me I mean I'll probably get into trouble for it but o'well. "Um... sure, Hi I'm Magnus and I'd like to let everyone know that I'm NOT gay" I get a few strange looks and Miss Branwell is about to say something, but I cut her off. "I like to think of myself as a freewheeling bisexual"(actual quote from The Mortal Instruments books)

Alec P.O.V.

Oh God, anyone who wasn't looking at us before, definitely is now. But instead of shrinking even further into my desk I sat up. I actually wanted him to keep talking. Instead Miss. Branwell gave him the death stare and he sat back down. "Okay class that's enough." Everyone kept glancing back at us and I started to get uncomfortable. Before Magnus there were no anything kids at the school. Well any out kids. There was me but no one knew no one except Izzy. I've had a crush on my best friend, Jace forever. That's pretty much the only way I can stand to be around him. He's a little obnoxious. We weren't doing anything in class and I started to daze off. Soon enough the bell rang and we all headed for the hallway.

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