Ch. 9

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Magnus P.O.V.

My alarm clock went off, and I was not mentally prepared for the chaos that was Monday. I got up to get dressed and do my makeup. The outfit I landed on was a Gryffindor sweatshirt, and a tight pair of jeans. My eye shadow matched my sweatshirt, maroon with gold glitter of course and glittery gold eyeliner under my eye. I know it may be a bit much for my outfit, but Alec was going to wear his Slytherin sweatshirt and I wanted to look extra nice for him. I ran downstairs excited to head to school, only to see Alec; however, I greeted by my father. "What is that on your face. You aren't a girl why are you wearing makeup." He didn't quite seem mad yet, just a general git.

"Uh...It's for a school play I'm the lion and there's a dress rehearsal first hour. So...They wanted us to come with our makeup done." 'I don't know how I came up with that, but I thank God I did.' He gave me a funny look, almost like he didn't believe me. Instead of saying what I knew he was going to say he just rolled his eyes and went back to his newspaper. After that encounter I ran out the door, not wanting to set him off. Since I still had at least an hour before I needed to be at school, I went to Alec's. When I knocked on the door a woman answered. She was tall, well built, had blue eyes though not the same as Alec's, and raven black hair. Naturally I assumed this was the mother I had heard so little about.

"Can I help you?" She said in a very judgmental tone.

"Hi, I'm Magnus, a friend of...Izzy's, is there anyway I can see her?"

"She is on a run, but you can wait inside. My son is in there. Don't try to steal anything. You won't get away with it. I'm leaving for work, go on inside."

"Thank you Mrs. Lightwood", I yelled to her as she walked away.

"It's Herondale not Lightwood.", was her only response (I know that the Herondales are not related to the Lightwoods and that Herondale isn't her maiden name, but I was to lazy to make one up so deal with it) After she left I let myself in. As soon as I walked in my eyes landed on a very shirtless Alec.

"Oh, uh hi." he said somewhat shocked, as he walked over to grab his shirt

"Oh, you don't have to get dressed up for me." My comment at least earned a smile.

"What are you doing here? Not that I mind."

"My dad was home." Before I could say anything else he cut me off.

"I'm going to assume you didn't eat breakfast. If you did too bad. I'm taking you out on a breakfast date. Just let me go shower and get dressed first. Oh, and make yourself at home." Just as he was coming down the stairs Izzy walked in.

"Hey Mags, AWW, that's so cute you two are wearing each other's houses. You are just like Drarry."

"Izzy what the hell are you talking about."

"Harry Potter, I know Magnus is in Slytherin and I'm assuming he made you take the quiz"

"Oh, that thing."

"Secondly, Drarry, Draco and Harry, they are supposed enemies, but everyone knows that they are secretly together. You two lovebirds are Malec. That's your ship name. Meliorn made me watch all the movies." She seemed overly excited.

"Bye sis, we're leaving."

"Bye Malec" Alec just rolled his eyes, and we got in the car and drove away.

Alec P.O.V.

We ended up at some restaurant called La Bonne Bouchee, some French cafe. We ordered, or should I say Magnus ordered for the both of us. We ended up with a dark chocolate and orange croissant and a latte. It was a new experience to say the least. "What happend with your dad?" I questioned once we were back in the car and on our way to school.

"Well...he was home when I left, and obviously I had my makeup on. He asked me what was on my face and told me I was a girl. Then he proceeded to ask why I was wearing makeup."

"What did you tell him?"

"That it was for a school play. I'm the lion, and we have a dress rehearsal first hour. Also I ran into your mom."

" she wasn't awful was she? She isn't the most accepting person in the world, and if she is like that with me...I'm just sorry for her. She doesn't know what sugar coating is; she pretty much blatantly says whatever comes to mind. Which is always negative and rude." I realized I was starting to ramble, so I quickly stopped talking.

"No, she was fine. I told her I was a friend of Izzy's though. Other than the judgmental tone and telling you were there, so if I tried to steal anything you would catch me, it went fine."

"She told you not to steal anything."


"You know what be my guest. We have to much stuff anyway. I'll say I tried to stop you, but your smooth lion like move prevented me from doing so." We both burst into laughter as we pulled into school. We headed into Language Arts still laughing.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Jace, how's the project going"

"Oh, you know how interesting Michelangelo is and Clary and I have to dress up, so this should be interesting."

"Just don't dress up like the David"

"I won't Alec, Magnus, any suggestions."

"I mean the David is quite an amazing piece that would make costume. But seriously you could do the Pietà. It would be Clary holding you in a chair. I like that piece you should look it up."

"Thanks dude! I will. Oh, and by the way, Izzy sucks at keeping her mouth shut. You two make a great couple. I'm PROUD of you Alec. Now that we are all in relationships, we need to do a quadruple date."

"NO!" Magnus and I said in unison. 

"Fine, Fine." The rest of language arts was good we decided who each of us would go as and what our props would be. The day had been moving by so slow that by the time lunch came around I was ready to ditch. And that is exactly what we did. After lunch Magnus and I snuck out. We made it to the car, got in and drove away, completely oblivious as to what would happen very shortly after we left the school parking lot.

***So, I have a little bit of an idea for what I will do next. It's going to be sad I know that for sure, but if anyone has any ideas for the plot please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.***

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