Ch-59 Adjusting

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I sat beside Gracelynn in the back seat of Cole's truck and touched her rosy cheeks. She is so precious and pure. I want to raise her right and make sure she doesn't make the same mistakes I did. I love her dad as my children's father but I want to protect her from guys like him. She will not be a teen mother despite the example I have given her.

"I can't wait for the boys to meet her," I told Cole as he parked the car in the parking lot of my apartment complex. "Come on Gigi it's time to meet your big brothers," I told her even though she is sound asleep. I unlatched the carseat and handed it to Cole.

"This is a nice place," Cole complimented the overall look of the apartment. It is clean and family friendly which I made sure of.

When we walked inside my mom and dad were there with Carly, Fred and Ella. They had brought all of my stuff to the apartment and did their best to put stuff where it goes and set up cribs and beds, essential things like that.

I'm so thankful to my family and Cole's parents for the support throughout both of my pregnancies.

"Look at that beautiful face," my mom immediately removed Gigi from her carseat and cradled her close, my dad admiring my baby girl from over my mama's shoulder.

Ella ran towards me and I picked her up balancing her on my hip. She is getting so big. She's 5 now, opposed to the 3 year old I used to babysit.

"Where are Jaxon and Josiah?" I questioned. I want to see my baby boys.

"Jessie is going to bring them when they wake up from their nap," my mama told me and I was immediately disappointed. I have been looking forward to seeing them. I miss them and I want them to meet their little sister.

"Why don't you tell them Gracelynn's middle names?" I asked Cole and looked up at him. He agreed and our parents tuned in.

"Gracelynn Gale Charlotte Dawson-Peters," Cole said her full name, I think because he is proud that she has his last name. My mom and Cole's mom both were so overjoyed with having Gigi as their namesake. I know my parents will lecture me later about giving her his last name because they truly have no faith in Cole. They aren't going to be very happy when they find out I'm changing the boy's last names as well.

"It flows so perfectly," Carly complimented and smoothed over Gigi's dark brown locks. Gigi is lucky to have such loving grandparents.

My grandma has hardly talked to me since I got pregnant the first time and when she did it was only to try to convince me to marry Brandon.

Carly and Fred ended up leaving within the next half of an hour and my parents about 10 minutes later. Finally after what seemed like forever, Jessie brought Jaxon and Josiah over. Jaxon squealed at the sight of his parents and Josiah ran into Cole's arms. You grow them for nine months and then raise them almost alone and they still don't come to you first. I had to take him from his father to even get any attention from him but Jaxon was being a total mama's boy. I love my little family.

"Hey Jaxon and Josiah, come meet your baby sister," Cole called the boys over to where Gigi was in the bassinet. I led them over and saw that Gracelynn was awake. Cole and I each lifted up one of the boys and they peered over the edge. I started to cry because hello, my emotions are still out of wack.

Jaxon immediately reached for his sister to touch her and we pulled his hand away, telling him to be gentle. "Give kiss," I told the boys and Josiah turned to kiss Cole. It was so sweet. Whenever we tell them to give kisses they turn to the nearest person or thing and touch their lips to it.

"Are you crying Jess?" Cole asked me and I nodded and let the happy tears flow. The boys eventually grew bored of their sister and squirmed for us to let them down to play.

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