Ch-1 Lessons To Be Learned

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You never know what God has in store, and you can make all the plans you want to. But at the end of the day, whatever's going to happen is going to happen.
~Carrie Underwood

"One of the dangers of preaching salvation," Pastor Simmons started her sermon at 9:00 a.m sharp. Her young, soft voice projected through the church and echoed off the walls and windows. "By Grace alone is that it can be interpreted as license to do whatever one wishes. The Apostle Paul was well aware of this tendency, as we saw in Romans 3:8," She briefly paused while glancing at the pews: my family sits in both the third and fourth pews on the right since my family is so large. I found my mind wandering far while I clicked my finger nails.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and realized Pastor Simmons has already picked up again and is now pacing the church while rubbing her 9 month pregnant belly. My thoughts quickly changed again as I noticed a man staring at me. When our eyes locked, he gave me a crooked grin and turned his attention back to Belle, the pastor, who continued to preach about freedom of sin.

He looks like- wait... no way Cole Peters? He was my childhood tormentor. He would do anything to make me angry when I was like 8. He used to pull my pig tails and braids when all of us kids would play after church and that's just a fraction of what he used to do to me. He used to annoy my best friend, Hannah, too, but he always seemed to target me the most. Why is he here? I thought he lived with his dad in Texas. That is where he moved when he was fifteen to live with his father. He must be what... 22 or 23. He might be visiting his mother. I hope he's not moving back!

I turned my attention back to Belle who was pacing the hardwood floors. I noticed she paused in front of the church and so did her words as her eyes squeezed shut and she pressed on her lower back with her right hand probably due to a contraction or the baby kicking her ribs. Seconds later she took a deep breath and finished her sermon.

After sermon we all stood up and grabbed our hymn books. We sang Amazing Grace and another less popular hymn before we prayed. I held Emmylou's hand as we walked out of church. As soon as we stepped outside, she ran to go play with the other kids. Just like I used to do when I was younger. I stood there for a second making sure she was actually running to the other children and not just off somewhere.

"You've grown up." Somebody said in a deep voice. I immediately stiffened as I felt their presence behind me. I turned around to face the beholder of the deep voice. The voice belonged to the person who also owned that crooked grin in church.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Texas?" I snapped back, narrowing my eyes at him and placing my hand on my hip.

"No reason for me to be there anymore." He pressed his lips tightly together while looking at me. I was about to mutter 'why', but he cut me off. "Pops is dead." He said nonchalantly. Why doesn't his voice have remorse in it? I mean his dad is dead for crying out loud.

"I'm- I'm so sorry." I genuinely felt sorry for him. To lose a parent seems horrifying, absolutely horrifying. If I was him I would be bawling.

"Yeah well I'm not asking for your sympathy. I've gotten plenty of that over the past month." He countered. Well then... That was kind of rude. I just rolled my eyes. He hasn't changed a bit. He's still the same jerk, he just hasn't pulled my hair yet or tried to get me in trouble like he used too.

We held a stare for a second before Mrs. Whipple, Cole's mom, broke the awkward silence. "Jessalynn." She called cheerily. Wow she's never this happy, even on her best days. "How are you doing sweet heart?" She asked. Cole grunted and rolled his eyes. He's always been disgusted at the fact that everybody adores me. Not trying to sound full of myself, but it's true. For some reason everybody literally just adores me.

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