Ch- 31 Dinner

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One week had passed and mama took me to my next appointment. It felt good to get out of the house. I increased effacement to 30 percent since last week which means labor is on its way in the next couple of weeks and things are in fact progressing.

My mom has no idea I took Cole with me to my appointment. She would give me the lecture of a lifetime if she found out. She thinks that not talking until the twins are born is a fantastic idea because until then we don't have much in common. I guess you could say it makes perfect sense and she's probably right. Hell, she always is.

Cole texted me and asked if we could hang out but I turned his offer down. I didn't tell him why to avoid fighting but I'm sure he already knows. I can't forgive him so easily. I felt like I was obligated to let him go to at least one appointment and plus it was his birthday so I couldn't turn him down but that doesn't mean I forgot about the letters or any of it. I'm just not over it yet.

I've spent a lot of time in the nursery whether I was taking a nap in the rocking chair or perfecting everything before my little boys arrive.

I've also been trying to find a middle name for Josiah and a first and middle name for his brother. I want to choose another J name. I've considered Jonathan, Jason, James and all other common J names but I don't like them very much. I have only a short time to make a decision so I better choose quick.

"Hey Jessa, I know you hate not being able to leave the house so why don't you have Paisley Anne drive you to the grocery store so you two can do my shopping? That is if you want," my mama suggested and I looked down at my swollen ankles. I sure do want out of this house.

"Sounds like the highlight of my day," I teased. "Sure I'll do it," I agreed and changed into leggings, a flannel and a scarf. Pais and I left the house fifteen minutes later with moms long grocery list.

When we were at a stoplight my phone went off. Paisley looked down at my phone, reading a message from Stacy, Austin's pregnant fiancée. She has been texting me for advice lately and I'm glad to help. "No way!" Paisley hollered in complete shock. I shushed her. "Stacy is pregnant?" She said a little bit quieter but make no mistake, it was still loud enough for people in China to hear.

"Could you be any louder Pais?" I scolded. "If anybody hears you, you know that by tomorrow this whole town will be gossiping," I told her and she quieted down.

"Maybe I should just go and get pregnant. Seems like the thing to do," she said and I shook my head.

"Oh don't say that unless you want me to literally castrate the sorry boy that did it to you," I said and she laughed. "That's not something to joke about Paisley. Mama and Daddy will literally die if two daughters and a son had kids before marriage. I already think they're half way to their graves with me," I stalled getting out of the car and exposing myself to the chilling air outside of the toasty car.

"Well I just can't believe nobody let me in on this secret," she complained and shut off the car which made the heater go off.

"Paisley, you can't keep a secret to save your life," I told her jokingly.

"Oh yeah then how come nobody else knows you had sex with Cole again?" She asked like she was trying to prove a point. My body stiffened and I swallowed hard.

"How do you know that?" I questioned seriously and hid my face in embarrassment. Out of all people I wish she was the one that didn't know this stuff because I know that through these examples, she thinks this is okay. She's impressionable.

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