Ch-54 Birthday Boys

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of Josiah crying from the nursery. I wanted to roll over and cover my head with a pillow but sadly you can't do that when its your child. I tried not to wake Jaxon up when I got off the bed. He was still so tired from last night.

"Happy Birthday my handsome boy," I walked into the nursery and saw my little man clutching the side of the crib crying. I scooped him up and gave him a kiss. This time last year I was laying in a hospital bed just staring at the twins in shock and awe.

"Da-da-da-da," Siah repeated and laughed when I recognized him talking. He's such a ham for attention.

"You'll see dada today baby boy. Say mama," I balanced him on my hip and waited for him to say mama. He says it sometimes but he's more keen to the word dada.

"Da-da," he repeated again. They are going to be excited to see Cole today. They don't realize they miss someone until they see the person and then they think what the heck where have you been. But I know they love their dad.

When we went in the kitchen all of his babbling woke Hannah up which was fine by me because she helped me feed him. We gave him Cheerios and bananas. He loves Cheerios but I always have to scold him when he eats them because it's the only food he shares with dog. If you sit and watch him you'll notice how he eats one and then throws one on the ground, then he eats another and then throws another on the ground. It's a pattern and apparently a fun game. Otherwise he doesn't throw food off of his tray very often. Jax on the other hand is quite the mess maker and loves tossing all sorts of food to the dog. He gets in trouble a lot and then laughs his evil little laugh.

About 30 minutes later when we were all in the living room relaxing before I had to go to my moms to decorate for the party Cole walked through the front door. He glanced at us in the living room but ultimately kept his gaze at the ground, walking into our bedroom.

"I'll be right back," I said and handed Jaxon off to Hannah. I got up from the couch and followed Cole into the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked while taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Getting clothes to wear to the birthday party," he dug through his dresser drawers.

"Justin is here. You should have a cup of coffee and hangout," I suggested. I also want him to tell the twins happy birthday.

"Maybe," he put a few things into a bag and set it down. "Where are the boys? I want to see them," he asked. I told him they're in the living room and he went to tell them happy birthday I assume.

"Hi Jaxon," he smiled at our son. Jaxon's face lit up at the sight of his dad.

"Da-da-da-da," Josiah crawled over to his dad and his brother with a big grin. Cole set both of them on his knees and kissed their cheeks. I wish I had a picture of this moment because it is one of the cutest.

"Happy birthday sons," he told them. I tried not to be a helicopter parent in that moment so I made him a cup of coffee. Justin and Cole ended up talking for about a half of an hour before Cole said he had to leave. The boys screamed at the door for twenty minutes when he left.

I put the boys down for a nap which they cried more about but eventually fell asleep. I am going to my moms now to decorate and when the party starts, Hannah will bring Jaxon and Josiah. That way they can stay here and have their nap and they won't be under my feet.

"Hi Auntie Bev! I'm so glad you could make it," I threw my arms around my aunt and gave her a hug when I entered my parents house. I gave the rest of my aunts and uncles as well as cousins, including evil cousin Anna, hugs and thank yous.

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