Part Two: Chapter Five (You're Not My Mother)

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"Kelsea..." Fury filled every part of my body, hearing from the woman who walked out of my life at three years old. Walked out because she wanted power, drugs, and money. I turned away from her, going to the bar, and getting a beer, and chugged the sucker down, before being handed another one. This one, I sipped before I turned to her.

"You're not my mother." I said darkly, then turned toward the gun range, eager to shoot something. I heard her calling after me, but I wasn't willing to listen. Michael followed after me, but I had nothing to say to him either.

"Kelsea, wait-"

"NO!" I roared at him, and he took a step back. "That piece of shit walked out of my life when I was three! THREE YEARS OLD!" I screamed, my face aching as the scabbing pulled. "Do you have any idea what it was like? I blamed myself for 12 years because I thought it was my fault she left! And you have been hiding her this entire time!" I held back tears of anger. This was hurting me more than it should. "I should have been told!"

"There's a reason she's here, just like you. She was under protection. From Bones." It stopped me for a moment, but I felt no sympathy because my father has hated my guts ever since I was raped and decided to keep Kinsey.

"You know that my father turned his back on me when I was found? Almost three months, he didn't give a shit! The cartel took us hostage, and he didn't value my life! He assaulted me when I was almost ready to pop with Kinsey!" I had no sympathy for her. "If she even remotely loved me, she would have taken me with her to spare me the misery of being beaten and raped for months and the betrayal of my old man." He didn't say anything. I just walked over to the range, and closed the door behind me.

When I was finally to myself, I sank down and broke. Memories of good times and bad filled my mind, making me go crazy.

I chugged down my other beer, throwing it aside, and found the gun locker. I looked at my options, pulling out a Remmington .700, and found the ammo boxes below it. I loaded it up, set the scope, and began filling the targets full of holes, wishing they were Christian and Magna, my mother, and I didn't miss a single shot.

The door opened behind me, revealing Alucard, who looked impressed with my shooting.

"Trés bien." I just looked away, putting my gun away, unloading the last bullet in the chamber, fiddling with the metal in my hand. "Wait..." I looked at him. "My English... It is bad. Do you speak Spanish?"


"I'm sorry you had to go through that... Seeing your... birth mother." I shook my head.

"She means nothing to me. I would also appreciate it if you didn't tell her about Kinsey, either." I replied to him, his fluency in Spanish was about the same as mine. Almost like a first language.

"You have to understand why she came to us. She wanted to get clean and with your father refusing, she had no place where she was threatened by the presence of her addiction."

"It doesn't matter, Alucard. She left me behind." He was trying to reason with me, but it wasn't working.

"If she had, you wouldn't have your daughter." The words pierced me. I closed my eyes, swallowing down the lump in my throat. "I see the love for her that you have in her eyes. I see that you want to do what is best for her, even though she was not intended." He took the bullet out of my hands. "Don't let your hatred for Magna consume you. You should have been told that she was here, yes, but it was for her safety, and the safety of the charter in Texas."

"I wanted out of the MC for Kinsey's sake... but I was the only sharpshooter there who was capable of taking out an enemy from so far away, they needed me at the table. I wanted away because of the drugs... it's always been the damn drugs!"

"There are three men tasked with the drugs at this table. They are all clean because they want to be able to support their families for the rest of their children's life, even their grandchildren. They want to take trips around the world. That supports that. I've done the security runs with them, and my cut was not near the same as theirs. Because they do the handling, they're paid a fortune. It still does not make me want to do it because I am happy with what I do. I am kept comfortable. You won't be involved with the drugs. More than anything, you'd just be on the security brigade with me."

"I don't think I want to be a part of the tables anymore." I said quietly. "I just want a normal life with my daughter."

"Once you're in an MC, the only time you're out is when you're dead." He reminded me.

"Yeah, I know. Don't remind me." I left him behind, going back to the house, and to the kitchen. There were some snacks in the pantry for kids, like fruit snacks, crackers with peanut butter or cheese, and some more. I grabbed a couple bags, and a bottle of water, then went upstairs. Kinsey was starting to wake up, which I was a little grateful for.

"Hey you." I handed her her hearing aids, which she promptly put in. "You hungry?" I handed her a bag of fruit snacks, which she opened and ate.

"Where are we?" She asked curiously, looking around.

"Well, sweetie... You know Uncle T-bone?" She nodded. "Well, we're at his charter house in France."

"So... We're not going to be seeing Daddy anymore?" My heart ached at her words.

"No, sweetheart. I can't take a chance to have him hurt you." She looked at my face.

"Did he hurt you again?" I didn't want to lie to her, but I just had to. She saw the bruise from where he hit me.

"Yes, sweetie. He did." She just buried herself in my arms, and I felt like a total bitch for lying to her. It was for her own safety.

"I don't wanna see him again if he hurts you like that." Tears began to fall again.

"I know, baby... I know." My voice cracked, and I was digging the same grave my mother did. Lying to me, I was lying to her. But this time, it was to keep her with me, not to leave me behind. I did love her, I truly did. I just hoped she never had to learn the truth of how she came to be.

Once she ate her snacks, she went back to bed, falling asleep to some French cartoon show for toddlers. I had put on English subtitles for her, hoping she'd absorb some of the language while she was here.

There was a knock on my door, which I cracked open, only to find Magna standing there.

"What the hell do you want?" I didn't spare her any sympathy. She looked broken, but I wasn't going to let it deter me.

"Kelsea, I'm sorry. You should have known the truth-" I cut her off with a scoff.

"It's 18 years too late for that, Magna." She looked like I slapped her by using her first name. "Let me get one thing straight. I came here for protection from a man who I thought loved me. He was clean, I was clean. But he crossed the line, and I wasn't going to stay. You crossed the line out of my life when you left me behind. You know what? You don't know half the shit that has happened to me, and you never will. You want to say sorry? You should have never left. You were too weak to say no to the crank, even around it. You ruined my life at three years old, so no. You don't get to apologize. Back off, and leave me the hell alone." I growled the ending out at her, shutting the door. I heard a sob break from behind the door, but I felt nothing. Reconciling now would do nothing but open old wounds.

No more old wounds would be opened. Not here.

Chaotic Shadows and the 300 MC (Book One and Two) *ON HOLD/SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now